East London NHS Foundation Trust: Bringing Integrated aAnalytics Into the Hands of Clinicians

East London NHS has developed a suite of integrated Power BI applications to help staff use powerful statistical tools previously unavailable at scale to support continuous improvement. Users of the growing catalogue of more than 20 apps covering mental health, community health and corporate services can now get a holistic view of their service, from any device (on or off the trust network), presenting data from more than 10 different systems. The EasySPC tool that the trust developed, available in the Microsoft Store, is being used by more than 30 healthcare organisations worldwide, enabling statistical process control to be utilised at scale.

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Highly commended

Somerset NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with Predictive Health Intelligence Ltd: Somerset Liver Improvement Project


University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Improving Patient Flow with High-Quality Real-Time Data, Virtual Flow Huddles and Predictive Analytics

NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board: Lincolnshire Living with Cancer Programme

North of England Care System Support: OPTICA - Optimising Patient Flow and Hospital Discharge Processes

NHS Blood and Transplant; Snap Surveys Ltd. QS138 Quality Insights: An automated quality improvement national blood transfusion audit tool

NHS England: Federated Data Platform (FDP) Programme

University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust: UHCW - Optimising Outpatient Performance

The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust: Improving the vVisibility of Analytics for Our Clinicians.