All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 108

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lean thinking in the NHS


    Despite having been in the service improvement business for years, I choose now to finally really get my head around “lean thinking” as inspired by Taiichi Ohno’s work on the Toyota production system.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Out of hours care


    This report summarises the methodology and the outcome of a pilot project designed to reduce the number of elderly patients admitted to hospital from nursing homes. It suggests that enhanced out of hours care by GPs can improve the experience of patients (and their relatives) and reduce costs by limiting ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Carbon reduction


    The Carbon Reduction Commitment is a mandatory, auction-based emissions trading scheme, which came into effect on 1 April 2010. 

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Information management services


    When it comes to deciding when is the right time to outsourcing information management and IT services support, there are several issues that must be carefully considered.

  • How NHS managers can build relationships with MPs
    HSJ Knowledge

    How NHS managers can build relationships with MPs


    MPs are a vital ally for any chief executive, so it is critical to build a healthy relationship. Daloni Carlisle looks at the benefits of giving local politicians the red carpet treatment

  • Book Review: What I wish I Knew When I Was 20
    HSJ Knowledge

    Book Review: What I wish I Knew When I Was 20


    See problems in a new light with this handy advice. By Gareth Redmayne

  • How to target PCT internet campaigns
    HSJ Knowledge

    How to target PCT internet campaigns


    PCTs can strategically tailor their internet campaigns to target at risk groups, saving time, resources, and not to mention lives. Emily Sparks explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sustainability and the NHS


    The NHS enters 2010 with an enormous to do list, increasing pressures on budgets, the need to improve outcomes and a relentless drive for quality.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Joint commissioning


    Commissioning Support for London Accelerated Development Programme 2009

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Organ donation


    Recent important Department of Health guidance on organ donation gives boards in England and Wales an excellent opportunity to receive up to date progress on donation activity in their trusts and to review how they can support a drive to further boost rates.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Human rights in mental health


    A new human rights based leadership programme is being developed with investment from SCIE and the support of the National Mental health Development Unit and University of Central Lancashire.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Exposed: the truth about NHS pay


    Public sector pay is coming under intense scrutiny from the press and politicians. Over three weeks Peter Smith will dispel some of the myths they perpetuate

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Dementia and quality of life


    Only 13 per cent of people believe a person with dementia can have a good quality of life at all stages of their condition according to Alzheimer’s Society research released in April.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Adult spine services


    New approaches in spine service at St Thomas’ Hospital have yielded impressive results.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Nuisance and disturbance on NHS premises


    According to the NHS Security Management Service there were 54,758 reported physical assaults against NHS staff in England in 2008/2009.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Technology in the NHS


    Margaret Parton explains how NHS teams are often supportive of implementing technology while the wider system is not

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Clinical dashboards


    Good quality information is known to be a driver of performance among clinical teams and vital to ensuring the right services and best possible care is provided to patients.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Leadership for change


    Martin Seligman, the leading figure in the positive psychology movement, has described Appreciative Inquiry (AI) as the most significant and powerful organisational intervention currently available.

  • Book Review: Presentation Zen
    HSJ Knowledge

    Book Review: Presentation Zen


    Present your points powerfully through calm preparation, says Iain Lang

  • Rebooting the NHS IT programme
    HSJ Knowledge

    Rebooting the NHS IT programme


    When the next government takes over the struggling national programme for IT in the NHS, it must breathe new life into this drive, says John Cruickshank