All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 117

  • Healthcare 100
    HSJ Knowledge

    How to get the best staff in primary care


    Have you registered your organisation for the 2010 Healthcare 100? HSJ and Nursing Times have come together with NHS Employers and the Department of Health to identify the top healthcare providers to work for in the UK. Helen Mooney looks at one of last year’s winners

  • Healthcare 100
    HSJ Knowledge

    How to get the best staff in the North West


    Have you registered your organisation for the 2010 Healthcare 100? HSJ and Nursing Times have come together with NHS Employers and the Department of Health to identify the top healthcare providers to work for in the UK. Helen Mooney looks at one of last year’s winners

  • Healthcare 100
    HSJ Knowledge

    How to get the best staff in large organisations


    Have you registered your organisation for the 2010 Healthcare 100? HSJ and Nursing Times have come together with NHS Employers and the Department of Health to identify the top healthcare providers to work for in the UK. Helen Mooney looks at one of last year’s winners

  • Healthcare 100
    HSJ Knowledge

    How to get the best staff in ambulance trusts


    Have you registered your organisation for the 2010 Healthcare 100? HSJ and Nursing Times have come together with NHS Employers and the Department of Health to identify the top healthcare providers to work for in the UK. Helen Mooney looks at one of last year’s winners

  • Healthcare 100
    HSJ Knowledge

    How to get the best staff in mental health


    Have you registered your organisation for the 2010 Healthcare 100? HSJ and Nursing Times have come together with NHS Employers and the Department of Health to identify the top healthcare providers to work for in the UK. Helen Mooney looks at one of last year’s winners

  • HSJ Awards 2009
    HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ Awards 2009 video library


    HSJ interviews the winners of the HSJ Awards 2009 to find out more about their winning initiatives and what the honour means to their organisations.

  • Book Review: Now you see it
    HSJ Knowledge

    Book Review: Now you see it


    Look here for tips on dashboards that simply do their job, says Stephen Black

  • Healthcare 100
    HSJ Knowledge

    How to get the best staff in acute trusts


    Have you registered your organisation for the 2010 Healthcare 100? HSJ and Nursing Times have come together with NHS Employers and the Department of Health to identify the top healthcare providers to work for in the UK. Helen Mooney looks at one of last year’s winners

  • NHS managers on a mission in Sandhurst manoeuvres
    HSJ Knowledge

    NHS managers on a mission in Sandhurst manoeuvres


    The foundation trust regulator asked Sandhurst Academy to give managers an insight into the military ‘chain of understanding’. Helen Mooney reports for duty

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Wardens in sheltered housing


    It is rare for sheltered housing to hit the headlines, but the furore over the decision by many providers to remove resident wardens from existing schemes has made front page news.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Representation in disciplinary hearings


    The Court of Appeal has ruled that doctors and dentists employed by NHS bodies in England are entitled to legal representation at disciplinary hearings. The court says the right also extends to representation in capability and ill-health proceedings.

  • How to defeat procrastination at work
    HSJ Knowledge

    How to defeat procrastination at work


    Putting things off is a bad habit - and fundamental to breaking it are recognising the stages of how we act on problems and working out what’s stopping progress

  • A costing system where every patient counts
    HSJ Knowledge

    A costing system where every patient counts


    Patient-level information and costing collects data in a way that engages clinicians in improving efficiency. Louise Ross and Jennifer Butcher explain

  • Do you have the traits of a trailblazer?
    HSJ Knowledge

    Do you have the traits of a trailblazer?


    Productivity, optimism and innovation are all qualities that will fire up your teams to overcome obstacles. How do you measure up, asks Georgia McHardy

  • HSJ Awards 2009 - the winners
    HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ Awards 2009


    The HSJ Awards celebrate healthcare at its best. The winners have proved themselves in a rigorous judging process and have triumphed from more than 1,000 entries. They demonstrate the innovation, inspiration and dedication of health service staff.

  • Book Review: Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins
    HSJ Knowledge

    Book Review: Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins


    Storytelling is a tool with many uses in the workplace, finds Iain Lang

  • Focus funding plans on people – not processes
    HSJ Knowledge

    Focus funding plans on people – not processes


    Councils and the NHS are being urged to make service user experience the starting point for constructing their joint financial arrangements. Helen Mooney explains

  • The national standard for intermediate care
    HSJ Knowledge

    The national standard for intermediate care


    A successful pilot audit of standards in intermediate services is expected to be rolled out on a national scale, writes Lynne Greenwood

  • Build a virtual polyclinic
    HSJ Knowledge

    Build a virtual polyclinic


    Streamlined care cannot be delivered unless clinicians are able to share information easily. Mark Caulfield describes how Tower Hamlets solved the problem with integrated IT

  • elderly hand old hospital
    HSJ Knowledge

    Assisted suicide: life and death in the balance


    Policy on the position of anyone who assists in a suicide is slowly changing, but health and care professionals must not run ahead of the law, says Corinne Slingo