All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 119

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Childhood obesity


    In some London boroughs a third of children leaving primary school at the age of 11 are overweight or obese. We know overweight children are much more likely to become obese adults, so this major public health problem must be tackled early. The government’s child obesity public service agreement target ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Redundant equipment


    If you have old hospital equipment to dispose of, the question is what to do next. While in the past, hospital managers paid to recycle surplus items or returned them to manufacturers to refurbish and sell on, there is now an emphasis on reusing equipment.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Independent contractor performance


    Central Lancashire has a large number of highly skilled independent contractors. However, when concerns are raised it is important that investigations are carried out in a fair and open environment.

  • Book Review: Six Thinking Hats
    HSJ Knowledge

    Book Review: Six Thinking Hats


    See how coloured caps can help us to share our thoughts, says Hannah Lowry

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Smoking in pregnancy


    For some time, government policy has backed the need to tackle smoking in pregnancy, especially among teenagers and those who are less well off. England’s current target is to reduce the prevalence of smoking at delivery to 15 per cent by 2010.   

  • Projects help save bed days
    HSJ Knowledge

    Integrated services: reducing hospital admissions among older people


    Integrated services mean many older people can stay out of hospital while receiving care, says Stuart Shepherd

  • Demystifying NHS data
    HSJ Knowledge

    Demystifying NHS data


    Huge tables and 3D charts often baffle those who want to access information but there is a move under way to demystify the digits, writes Helen Mooney

  • How to communicate with the public clearly and consistently
    HSJ Knowledge

    How to signpost NHS services clearly and consistently


    Seeking enlightenment about NHS services on most trust websites leads to a world of pain, says Michael Guida

  • NHS fraud: how to recover losses
    HSJ Knowledge

    NHS fraud: how to recover losses


    Daniel Purcell explains how to recover losses as part of a counter-fraud strategy

  • HSJ Knowledge

    GP-led services


    GPs will increasingly call the shots about how and where money is spent in the local health economy, writes Conor Burke

  • Book Review: The Ten Faces of Innovation
    HSJ Knowledge

    Book Review: The Ten Faces of Innovation


    Meet a gallery of creative personas who we can imitate, says Julia Wells

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Practice based commissioning


    With the success of practice based commissioning high on the agenda of the Department of Health and the pivotal role PBC plays in underpinning world class commissioning, it is important for PCT provider arms to understand the potential impact of giving GP practices commissioning power.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Dementia strategy


    In the UK there are approximately 700,000 people with dementia. In 30 years, this number is expected to double.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Leadership development


    For a cluster of primary care trusts on Teesside (Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland and Stockton on Tees Teaching PCT), developing their strategy for 2008/13 and preparing for world class commissioning assessment led to a change in their thinking about the nature of leadership and leadership development in their organisations.

  • Activity analysis is vital to business cases
    HSJ Knowledge

    A guide to decommissioning NHS services


    World class commissioning has to include deciding when current services no longer fit the bill. Helen Mooney looks at how to decommission services successfully

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Carers and medical training


    Michael Yousif looks at how carers’ experiences can be incorporated into psychiatric training

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Joint working with the pharmaceutical industry


    Steve Williamson, Sean McGrath and Abbie Pound explore the importance of collaborative working between healthcare providers and the pharmaceutical industry - facilitated by medical education agencies - and what this might mean for patient care

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety interventions


    Avril Lowery explains how Gateshead Health Foundation Trust has taken the guiding principle of Patient Safety First, to make patient safety the trust’s number one priority, and applied it to their own environment, creating an internal campaign that works for them.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Care of deteriorating patients


    Salford Royal Foundation Trust signed up to Patient Safety First in 2008 and is one of the trusts to implement the reducing harm from deterioration intervention.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety strategy


    Sarah Woolley explains how Heart of England Foundation Trust has put the Patient Safety First campaign into action.