All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 149

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS Counter Fraud Service: watching the detectives


    The NHS loses tens of millions of pounds a year to cheating, but some observers are asking if the Counter Fraud Service is getting too tough. Helen Mooney reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Navigating the national IT programme - tips for trusts


    Trusts' freedom to manage their own IT procurement is increasing, but just how far does it extend? John Yates explains the finer points

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving out-of-hours services through collaboration


    Knowledge transfer partnerships enable businesses and universities to work together in ways that benefit both parties.John Harrison explains how one urgent care provider has recently entered into such an alliance with Durham University

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Andrea Sutcliffe on non-executives' time commitments


    One of the most enjoyable parts of my job at the Appointments Commission is attending the induction courses we hold for new non-executive directors. I am always impressed by the quality and experience of the people I meet and by their enthusiasm and commitment.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS constitution - signed and delivered


    The proposal tucked away in the Darzi report for an NHS constitution could be one of the most historic elements of the next stage review, limiting the health secretary's power and guaranteeing patient rights

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    HSJ Knowledge

    Scottish approach to healthcare is not paying off


    At the British Medical Association’s annual conference this month, chair Hamish Meldrum put in a plea for England to emulate Scotland’s anti-market approach

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety


    Over the last few years, patient safety has gone from being a marginal issue that was often neglected to one of the highest priority issues in modern healthcare. There is now much greater awareness of patient safety issues among clinicians, managers and policy makers and the levels of incident reporting ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Read about the NHS's 60th anniversary


    Visit HSJ's NHS60 website for news and features about the service's anniversary.Subscribers can download our special NHS60 supplement here.Follow the links below for more great NHS60 content.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Understanding Darzi: harnessing medical leadership


    Lord Darzi's review puts forward bold plans for increasing clinical leadership in the NHS. Clinicians must step up to the challenge if their influence and expertise are not to be wasted, writes Susan Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS work experience: getting on board


    Work experience is a valuable way of encouraging people to consider a career in the NHS. In the first of a series of work experience diaries, we meet Cara, aged 17, a work experience student at Southampton General Hospital's radiography department

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Training for non-medical workers in the NHS


    Non-clinical staff in the NHS are among the best qualified in the world. However, Dan Wright argues that in every primary care trust, care home and clinic there are overlooked workers who urgently need a training health check

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Learning disabilities and health


    The health of people who have learning disabilities has long been neglected. Louise Hunt reports on how 'liaison nurses' can improve access to health checks and care

  • HSJ Knowledge

    One year on from the smoking ban


    One year into the smoking ban in England it is still too early to predict its long-term effects on public health but there are reasons to be cheerful, says Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    60th anniversary


    Read about the NHS’s 60th anniversary here

  • HSJ Knowledge

    More of the NHS's top people


    I think you missed out some key people from your Diamond Sixty list. For instance national cancer director Mike Richards, for delivering the cancer plan and developing the cancer reform strategy. He encourages a bottom-up approach and listens to patients and staff.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jon Restell on praise for the NHS


    I am writing this column soft-eyed at the close of the busy next stage review/NHS 60th anniversary week, with Nye Bevan staring exhortation at me from my desk calendar.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Drifting apart: why health inequalities are getting bigger


    Is it fair to expect the NHS alone to stop health inequalities widening when they are shaped by so many factors in society - income, housing, education - or is the health service failing in its basic responsibilities?

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    HSJ Knowledge

    Who is causing all the cancellations?


    A patient is allocated a healthcare resource group of ‘S22’ when they are admitted to hospital but their procedure is cancelled. There are three people who can cause this.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Diamond 60 life


    I was delighted to see my former boss (and friend) John Yates included in the Diamond Sixty list of the most influential people in the NHS.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Darzi's vision - towards a quality-obsessed NHS


    Under Lord Darzi's recently published plans for the health service, clinicians will lead the charge to top-quality care. Ingrid Torjesen explains