All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 152

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Royal Pharmaceutical Society celebrates 60 years of the NHS


    To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the NHS, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society has produced a video on the changing role of the chemist over the last six decades.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sixty years of the NHS


    HSJ is delighted to bring you this supplement celebrating the extraordinary journey the NHS and its staff have taken since the service was launched six decades ago on 5 July, 1948.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managing NHS talent


    The NHS needs to attract great leaders into the service and unleash the full potential of those it already has. Paul Gander looks at the challenges facing talent management

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Keith Pearson on valuing the NHS


    The Russian author Tatyana Tolstaya once said of her homeland: 'For us, the best time is always yesterday.' As we prepare for the 60th anniversary of the NHS, I look around and worry that too many people believe this is as true of the NHS today as Russia in 1990. ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Young people's sexual health


    While the GP practice seems an obvious place for improving uptake of sexual health screening, funding issues are slowing progress, says Caroline White

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Healthy future for the NHS


    The biggest challenge for the NHS in its seventh decade is to build a health contract with citizens that prompts many more to keep themselves well, says the consultancy Tribal

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ali Mohammed on customer service


    How difficult are you to deal with? We tend to talk about difficult people as though we are talking about someone else, but everyone can be difficult to deal with.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Tougher at the top


    Over the past six decades the working life of consultants may have lost some of its glamour. Now their role has to evolve if they are to regain their standing in the health service, writes David Kerr

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Meet the locals


    Councils have done more to improve the nation's health than the NHS - but the relationship between the two is still evolving, says Rodney Brooke

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Always on our minds


    The regimented tyranny of the old asylums that came into the NHS in 1948 is consigned to history, but the rhetoric of community care has struggled to win adequate resources and understanding, says Simon Lawton-Smith

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Don't beat yourself up


    Manager bashing is a national sport - but try not to believe your own bad press. Ken Jarrold asks why administrators have become unpopular and argues that it is still worth taking a few knocks

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: All roads lead to IT


    BT is dedicated to a future where information technology works for healthcare on all fronts, says Lyn Whitfield

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Flash outfit


    The light pulsing on top of a modern NHS emergency vehicle signals a mobile unit packed with staff expertise and impressive technology, says Airwave’s David Sangster

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Job adverts over the years


    Emma Dent on six decades of job adverts in HSJ - and how they have been a barometer of policy

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: 'It was the toughest two years of my life'


    Being in the top job at the Department of Health means overseeing the biggest political football of all. Peter Davies and Daloni Carlisle hear six former health secretaries' memories

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Managing a multitude


    How does the NHS match up to the other biggest employers in the world? Sally O'Reilly reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Who had a hand in policy?


    The health ministry has conceded influence over the direction of the NHS to many different groups, from the family doctors of 1948, to the teaching hospital boards of the 1960s, to the professional managers and regulators of 2008. By Anna Dixon

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: As seen on TV


    Suave doctors, flirtatious nurses and evil managers. Nick Samuels looks at popular images of health professionals as portrayed in television and film

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Diamond sixty


    Who are the most influential people in the last 60 years of the National Health Service? HSJ invited a panel of prestigious judges to pick 60 people who have been central in shaping today’s NHS. This list includes politicians, managers, professionals, campaigners, civil servants, historians and designers

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: A dramatic revolution


    Daloni Carlisle charts 60 years of the developing role of the NHS manager