All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 162

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Charing Cross


    Until recently the Accident and Emergency department at Charing Cross Hospital encountered a number of problems when recording patient data. The problem wasn’t clinical, but administrative. Nurses were inputting and displaying patient information in two separate places - on a pen and ink manual whiteboard that was regularly updated throughout ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Are PCTs redundant?


    The Thatcher government introduced the purchaser-provider divide in 1991. Ever since governments have been rebranding and “redisorganising” the structures of what are now primary care trusts. However these reforms of structure have had little impact on process and outcome. PCTs are viewed as largely feeble organisations that facilitate the continuing ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Using the Commissioning Simulator to guide confident and innovative commissioning


    With the recent launch of the Department of Health’s world class commissioning agenda, there is increased pressure on primary care trusts to manage their budgets effectively while at the same time improving public health and patient satisfaction.However, many PCT staff have not had specific training in commissioning, and sometimes little ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lyn Whitfield on


    When you’re in a hole, stop digging. It’s a well known maxim, but one the government seems completely incapable of applying to ID cards.Home secretary Jacqui Smith had the spade out again last month [subs March], when she re-launched the much criticised scheme for the umpteenth time.The BBC loyally reported ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    After the smoking ban: early conclusions


    Early conclusions about the impact of the smoking ban since its introduction in England in July 2007 can be drawn from an Information Centre report into NHS stop-smoking services.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Obesity drugs: a growing issue?


    More than 1 million NHS prescription items were dispensed to treat obesity in England in 2006 - eight times the number dispensed in 1999 - according to a compendium of statistics on obesity, physical activity and diet published by the Information Centre for health and social care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Tim Straughan on improving NHS data collection


    The 2008-09 NHS operating framework is clearly a catalyst for improving healthcare provision through better data collection and use.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Developing inter-organisational governance


    Effective governance between partner organisations is essential to safeguard each party's reputation, say Bryan Stoten and colleagues

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Unlawful killing: how trusts can prepare for an inquiry


    With new corporate manslaughter laws soon coming into force, trusts need to ensure they know how to prepare for an inquest. Laura Hale outlines the essentials

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Employment dispute rules to be changed


    The proposed repeal of the statutory dispute resolution procedures was welcomed by many people involved in human resources and employment law. But an employer or employee still risks substantial financial penalties if they drop their guard before 2009, when the new legislation comes into force. Jean Sapeta explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Can fluoridation help the poorest?


    The health secretary's promise of £14m a year over the next three years for water fluoridation schemes has reignited the debate. Strategic health authorities and primary care trusts must persuade local communities to agree to it, but opponents protest that fluoridation is mass medication to benefit the few and point ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managers should lend a listening ear to patients


    Patients need to be heard in the boardroom, not complaining in the media. But good patient and public involvement doesn't just happen - it needs a healthy investment of time, money and training

  • HSJ Knowledge



    The nation’s headline writers did not hold back when HM Revenue and Customs was forced to admit that it had lost the confidential details of every child benefit claimant in the country.Words like “shocking” and “fiasco” featured above the first stories about how the information had vanished after a “junior ...

  • HSJ Knowledge



    Framinghamis a town inMassachusetts, not far fromBoston. It’s predominantly white and middle class. It provided a refuge for families persecuted in theSalemwitches trials and it’s where the Battle Hymn of the Republic was first sung.So what’s it got to do with how much English primary care trusts spend on statins?The ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Putting life into NHS teaching


    Adopting new approaches to training in the NHS could benefit staff and patients, argues Nick Napper

  • HSJ Knowledge

    PCTs pledge to tackle race inequality


    More than 20 primary care trusts have pledged to tackle inequality in healthcare

  • HSJ Knowledge

    More recipes for success from Race for Health


    Why not click through and cook the latest fantastic meal from Race for Health? It's the NHS's flagship programme for supporting better health in black and minority ethnic communities.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Faith in food: how the world's religions have flavoured our cuisine


    Many of our favourite tastes and traditions have spiritual as well as culinary importance

  • HSJ Knowledge

    One man's vision for the future


    Former junior health minister David Lammy, now skills minister, tells HSJ about his plans for a more skilled healthcare workforce

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Fresh thinking on problem drinking


    Gillian Gale, Oliver Hill and Lucio Cicolecchia explain a twin strategy that aims to relieve some of the major pressures caused by alcohol abuse