All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 168

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New basic skills programme launched


    NHS Connecting for Health is to drop the European Computer Driving Licence service in favour of a new Essential IT Skills Programme.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Thousands now book to see GPs on web


    More than 56,000 people booked appointments on-line at their GP practice last month with one in seven practices now able to offer the service.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Robinson on the waiting times initiative


    The NHS is often used as a generic term, but in reality it consists of four different services in four countries. In my last column, I examined surprising differences in the growth of emergency admissions in the four countries. This time we will look at an issue that has had ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Notes on a scandal: electronic records


    The row over summary care records rages on, but what do patients in pioneer areas think about them and do they fear invasion of privacy? Lyn Whitfield visits Bolton to find out

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equality duties


    Despite the scathing and sceptical reaction from the press, the decision to implement a policy which provides for seriously ill Muslim patients to have their beds turned to faceMeccais a sensible and pragmatic action.It comes in response to the positive equality duties which are now imposed on NHS trusts in ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managing technology in the health service


    One side effect of new technology is increased cost. In the latest in our series celebrating the NHS's 60th anniversary, Ingrid Torjesen asks how the service should decide what it can afford to offer

  • HSJ Knowledge

    National IT programme: log in to the future


    From robot surgeons to a comprehensive database and picture archive, electronic systems are the way forward, says Sir Jonathan Michael of BT Health. He believes security will be high and personalised care enhanced. Rebecca Norris reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on foundation trust democracy


    Heard the one about the foundation trust applicant that didn't get enough candidates for its governor elections? No, it's not funny.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Engaging clinicians in NHS leadership


    John Clark and colleagues report on a project that aims to break down bunker-like regimes and involve medical staff in trust leadership

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The benefits of picture archiving technology


    The national IT programme is proclaiming a triumph at last, says Lyn Whitfield

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Amos on the principles of equality


    Equality and diversity should be at the heart of workforce planning

  • HSJ Knowledge



    A new report suggests that organisations in the health sector have a misplaced confidence about their ability to cope with uncertainty and change.The survey, carried out by the Chartered Management Institute, shows that, of the top concerns raised, only 51 per cent of organisations in the health sector believe that ...

  • HSJ Knowledge



    Staff in the NHS might be expected to be better at looking after their own health than most people. They have health promotion information to hand, they either are, or work closely with, clinicians, and they are usually provided with excellent occupational health services. Perhaps equally important, they are regularly ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mobile data security in the NHS


    What is the best way to protect confidential patient data on mobile devices? Caroline Ikomi looks at the essentials

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mobile data security in the NHS


    What is the best way to protect confidential patient data on mobile devices? Caroline Ikomi looks at the essentials

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Jennings on bringing the foundation trust model to PCTs


    Creating a membership organisation has helped one primary care trust increase public involvement in decision-making

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Jennings on bringing the foundation trust model to PCTs


    Creating a membership organisation has helped one primary care trust increase public involvement in decision-making

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Electronic consultation cuts hospital referrals in Bradford by half


    Clinicians in Bradford, West Yorkshire, are piloting a scheme to cut referrals to secondary care and improve the care pathway for chronic kidney disease. The scheme relies on an 'e-consultation' tool that allows primary and secondary care clinicians to communicate electronically.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Alan Maynard on hard questions for NICE


    Everyone accepts that resources are scarce and that rationing in the NHS is ubiquitous. Rationing involves depriving patients of care from which they might benefit and would like to have. The most explicit instrument for rationing in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is the National Institute for Health and Clinical ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The information highway


    Two doctors are transforming the way in which the NHS collects and uses data, says Daloni Carlisle