All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 172

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Nursing: reality check for diversity


    The Diversity Champions programme aims to turn good intentions into good practice, as Wendy Irwin explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Helen Bevan on the productive theatre


    Hot on the heels of the successful Productive Ward, the NHS Institute has begun the Productive Operating Theatre programme in response to great demand.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health professions - whose job is it anyway?


    New professional roles that have come with the Mental Health Act 2007 have been broadly welcomed, despite continuing debate about other opportunities that have been missed. Stuart Shepherd explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Age-appropriate mental healthcare - making strides


    Services for children and teenagers have long been neglected but extra funds - and a drive to keep these users off adult wards - are positive steps, says Mark Gould

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Putting discharge delays to bed


    Better systems are needed to put a stop to bed blocking. Tom Rothwell examines the problem and what can be done to overcome it

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Age discrimination - are NHS employers at risk of claims?


    In cases of compulsory retirement, NHS organisations should provide clear, legitimate reasons for their decisions to avoid future litigation, particularly given the uncertainties surrounding this area of law. Jean Sapeta explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    In the line of fire


    Joining the Territorial Army develops skills such as leadership, communication, initiative and resource control. That’s why the service has much to teach managers, says Paul Gander

  • HSJ Knowledge



    Paul GanderAs with so many management ideas favoured by the private sector, coaching has been given a warm reception in many parts of the NHS.Coaching associate at the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement Sue Mortlock explains some of the changes that have taken place. “Many years ago, it was ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Steve Onyett on a network with attitude


    Junior health minister Lord Darzi’s interim report on the future of the NHS highlights the importance of effective leadership and stable contexts for service improvement. It would be tragic if we missed this historic opportunity to make the best use of our current understanding of leadership and leadership development.A recent ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Six of the best


    Six national demonstrator sites are leading the way in using a powerful new set of tools from Skills for Health to redesign jobs and services, says Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lammy


    John Rogers, chief executive of Skills for Health – the Sector Skills Council for the NHS, independent and voluntary healthcare sectors - interviews David Lammy, Minister for Skills and former Under-Secretary of State for Health. JR: In your current role as Minister for Skills - and in view of ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Waiting times: cutting inequality


    Tackling health inequalities is a key part of the NHS Plan. Historically, your age, gender, ethnicity and deprivation have affected how long you wait for surgery. This inequality has been reduced across England, but data indicates it has not been eradicated.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improvement culture: four tools for driving change


    Making things better is less about the nitty gritty than values, leadership, will and skill

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Shaping the future of nursing


    NHS Employers is seeking the views of organisations to inform our response to two consultations on the future of nurses' pre and post registration. This is our opportunity to shape the future of nursing in the NHS. We aim to put together a representative response and are keen to feed ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Contract proposals for staff and associate specialists


    The government has agreed to the new contract for staff and associate specialist doctors negotiated between NHS Employers and the BMA, subject to adoption of changed transitional arrangements.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    European law and the NHS - the year ahead


    Steve Barnett looks at EU law and its potential impact on the NHS workforce in 2008

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Salaried primary care dentists accept new contract


    The British Dental Association has confirmed that salaried primary care dentists in England have voted to accept proposals to modernise their contract, negotiated by NHS Employers and the BDA.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    MMC specialty training recruitment 2008 - dates announced


    The Modernising Medical Careers programme board has written to doctors outlining the high-level principles agreed by the board and setting out the dates between which the majority of recruitment for specialty training programmes in 2008 will take place (5 January to 16 May).

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Creating a culture of commitment in the healthcare sector


    Look for Steve Onyett's column in HSJ's training and development supplement on 21 February.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The impact of the civil standard of proof in fitness to practise hearings


    Changes in the standard of proof used in General Medical Council fitness to practise panel hearings could lead to serious difficulties. Sophie Kemp explains