All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 176

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Secure care: improving life in locked wards


    The latest specifications for housing patients in medium secure care clarify the rules and include welcome proposals to improve life in locked wards. Rebecca Norris reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Productive ward: making time to improve patient care


    Frontline staff will be able to devise their own strategies for spending more time with patients under productive ward. Alexis Nolan reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    National IT programme briefing


    It has been called the world's biggest civilian computer project. It has cost billions so far, has billions more to spend and is not even close to delivering the aims set for it in 2002. The national IT programme is, it would be fair to say, controversial.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health and safety: new guidance for directors


    Directors, governors, trustees and officers across the health sector now have a new template for their corporate and individual duties surrounding health and safety. David Sinclair explains the new guide, which from next April is likely to play a fundamental role in prosecutions for corporate manslaughter

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Reducing self-harm in acute psychiatric wards


    Regularly checking on patients, raising the proportion of qualified nurses and organising more patient activity sessions can reduce self-harm and suicide attempts in psychiatric hospitals, according to one of the UK's largest research studies into self-harm on acute psychiatric wards

  • HSJ Knowledge

    First wave ISTCs: what do we know?


    Four years after the first wave of independent sector treatment centres, the Department of Health has provided data on their performance. Unfortunately, this is almost useless in answering questions about their impact on waiting times.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ invites you to share your views on the NHS


    HSJ, in association with BT, Humana, Airwave, Lloydspharmacy and Tribal, is planning six months of special features and events to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the NHS on 5 July 2008.To kick off our coverage, we are running a feature on how managers feel about the NHS and its future. ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NICE guidance supplement: steps to success


    The work of NICE goes beyond the headline-grabbing stories that sometimes follow its rulings on which drugs should or should not be used.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Personalised healthcare: put the customer in control


    Evidence demonstrates that customising services is effective - patient outcomes are improved and the provider gets better value for money. Angela Coulter and Don Redding argue for a personal health service

  • HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ celebrates 60 years of the NHS


    If you have any stories, anecdotes or photos from your memories of the last 60 years of the NHS that you would like to share with us, please send them to We look forward to hearing from you.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS Employers submits pay review evidence


    NHS Employers has submitted evidence for the 2008 pay round to the doctors' and dentists' review body and the NHS pay review body. We have recommended a pay uplift of up to 2 per cent, which would be affordable for organisations in light of other cost pressures and the need ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Nurses consultations launched


    NHS Employers has welcomed the launch of consultations into pre- and post-registration nursing training as an opportunity to explore key issues regarding nurse education and how nurses work in the NHS.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Agreement to modernise salaried dentists' contracts


    NHS Employers has agreed to proposals to modernise salaried dentists' contracts with the British Dental Association. The joint proposals have been put to the Department of Health, which has given its authorisation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managing sickness absence and ill-health retirement in the NHS


    Despite the progress that has been made in tackling levels of sickness absence in the NHS over the past decade, more remains to be done, as Jeremy Orr explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Transforming lives with psychological therapies


    A Department of Health programme that is making evidence-based psychological therapies more widely available than ever before means thousands of people and their families are having their lives transformed. Evidence shows the programme can reduce GP consultations and acute care activity, alleviating pressure when the NHS is working hard to ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cancer education in the NHS workforce


    It is a common misconception that people with cancer are exclusively cared for in specialist oncology settings. They are cared for throughout all large teaching hospitals, so appropriate cancer education and training should be accessible to all staff who work with them, argue Katharine Gale and Deirdre McGuigan

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Networking to improve access to psychological therapies


    The London Development Centre's improving access to psychological therapies network was set up to ensure there was an effective communication strategy to promote knowledge and information across London's health and social care communities.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving access to psychological therapies in London


    The London Development Centre's improving access to psychological therapies support programme is designed to equip primary care trusts with the tools and techniques needed to drive forward the development of psychological therapy services.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Commissioning for public health - changing priorities


    Public health work has too often been isolated from other primary care trust functions. Now trusts in the North West are in the vanguard of efforts to ensure public health priorities drive commissioning, reports Daloni Carlisle

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ali Mohammed on the privilege of training


    There is a world of difference between possessing knowledge and skills and the ability to teach it to others