All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 178

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Amos on HR reform in the health service


    HR reform is sweeping public and private employers - 53 per cent of organisations have restructured their HR function in the past year, and 81 per cent have done so in the last five years

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Informed consent - can trusts ever meet the legal standard?


    Despite clearer guidance on informed consent, trusts should take precautions to protect themselves from litigation in the event of misunderstandings. Frank Burns explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cancer care - reaching out to communities


    The Bengali Cancer Health Advocacy and Cancer Awareness Service was set up to address the needs of the Bengali community in Tower Hamlets. Caroline Moren and Ruth Bradley report on its progress

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Andrew Castle on planning outpatient services


    Co-ordinating outpatient clinics in a way that avoids overbooking, delays, over-running, underutilisation and inappropriate attendances requires a clear understanding of the demands on the system, as well as sound planning

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Geriatric medicine: changing staff attitudes


    Too many NHS staff are prone to ageism and reluctant to work with the elderly. In an ageing population, it's time they changed their attitudes, says David Oliver

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Barometer: acute trusts November 2007


    Confidence in the positive effect of choice has finally taken a dip, according to the latest Barometer survey of acute trust chief executives.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health training scheme looks to BME service users for help


    The first national training initiative to involve black and minority ethnic service users in its development and delivery has been launched by the Department of Health as part of its delivering race equality in mental healthcare programme.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Leadership in the NHS - how to sponsor change


    To make any change project successful, a good sponsor is essential. Paul Allen explains what the role demands

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Useful websites on PBC


    Department of Health pages on practice-based commissioning with documents, reports and case studiesThe primary care contracting team provides web-based resourcesThe Improvement Foundation is leading development work with PCTs and has a selection of resources The National Association of Primary Care has lobbied hard to develop PBCThe NHS Alliance is a ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    PBC glossary


    Practice: an establishment from which general medical practitioners and others such as nurses provide a general medical service to patientsCommissioning: the process of planning, specifying and purchasing services on behalf of NHS patients within budget allocations set by the governmentDirect enhanced service payment: a contractual means for rewarding general practices ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    PBC timeline


    1997: Incoming Labour government abolishes GP fundholding1998: White paper The New NHS first moots the idea of PBCOctober 2004: Policy announced by health minister John HuttonDecember 2004: First government guidance - Practice-Based Commissioning: promoting clinical engagementFebruary 2005: Technical guidance - Making Practice-Based Commissioning a Reality - allows PCTs to topslice ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Practice-Based Commissioning briefing


    Practice-based commissioning was introduced as a policy by the Labour government in 2004. It aims to allow GPs to commission directly on behalf of their patients and to give them more control over their budget.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Raj Persaud on cognitive dissonance theory


    NHS managers should be aware of a famous theory in social psychology called cognitive dissonance. It has become one of the most dominant ways of accounting for many puzzling behavioural phenomena in the world of academic psychology, yet it remains relatively obscure outside the field.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Efficiency training for behavioural change


    Neal Hattersley explains how efficiency can be improved at the service provision level by recognising the need for training

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managers in Partnership: state of the union


    Two years after its birth, the association representing NHS managers has made admirable strides but it still has a long way to go as it tries to boost their poor public image. By Helen Mooney

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New generation of equality in perinatal care


    Infant death and women's health are marked by inequality but outreach workers are now changing prospects, reports Caroline White

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Helen Bevan on world class commissioning


    To make world class commissioning a reality, we must challenge our existing mindsets

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Raj Persaud on how cognitive dissonance affects managers


    For NHS managers it is important to get a handle on the famous social psychology theory of 'cognitive dissonance'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Recruitment advertising - the rules of attraction


    Attracting the best applicants to a post is skilful work in itself. Stuart Shepherd talks to some top recruitment agencies

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Supporting diabetes self-management


    More than 2 million people in theUKare known to have diabetes and it is estimated that a further 750,000 have the disease without being aware of it. Two Co-creating Health teams inLondonare working to improve self-management support for people with the disease.