All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 181

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Infection control: back to the boardroom


    Informing the board and protecting patients were the key strands of one trust's infection control drive, writes Alison Norman

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ofcare - a break with the past or business as usual?


    The recent announcements by the prime minister and the health secretary that there is to be a crackdown on hospital-acquired infections must be good news for patients and healthcare professionals. A new regulator is promised, with tough powers of inspection, investigation and intervention, backed by fines, where hygiene standards are ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    PAs allow senior nurses to focus on patient care


    Heart of England foundation trust recently piloted the role of senior nurse personal assistant. Since the introduction of four PAs a year ago, there have been demonstrable benefits. Karen Bowley explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ commissioning supplement: an in-depth look at FESC


    The Framework for procuring External Support for Commissioners has finally arrived. Launched by the Department of Health at the start of last month after several delays, the government hopes that the framework will usher in a change in the shape and strength of commissioning in the NHS.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Children's mental health: finding hope for the lost generation


    A fifth of children have mental health problems and one in 15 self-harms, but they are getting lost in a system with no idea what to do with them. It's time for a radical rethink of care pathways for young people, writes Andrew McCulloch

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Is Darzi wrong about GP access?


    Everyone has a personal anecdote about their experience of the NHS, from the wonderful nurse to the obstructive receptionist or insensitive consultant delivering bad news. The problem is such stories are just one-off experiences - so how satisfied are patients overall across the millions of patient contacts in the NHS ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Skills for Health demonstration sites


    There is a lot to be said for sharing best practice, learning from others and having an opportunity to give feedback directly to those who can make improvements. That is why Skills for Health and the Department of Health have developed six national demonstrator sites to show how workforce tools ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A day in the life of a therapy assistant


    At Whittington Hospital trust in London, a Skills for Health demonstrator site has been set up to design a new therapy assistant role at assistant practitioner level.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lean thinking: what does it take?


    Lean thinking and six sigma have a long history in GE Healthcare and this experience is helping develop future leaders and drive change in NHS trusts.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    People management: the fear factor


    The NHS has sometimes been accused of operating a macho management culture. Is performance-driven, target-obsessed government policy to blame, or do leaders just lack people management skills, asks Blair McPherson

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health: unhappy old age


    Dementia is far from the only mental health problem for over-65s, yet the millions who struggle with depression are scandalously neglected. Stuart Shepherd reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The real workforce


    What kind of health workforce will England need in 2022? Sandra Dawson and colleagues looked to the future and saw a key role for informal carers

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Foreign exchange


    How can we ensure we collect payment from overseas visitors? Andy Finlay reports on how his trust near Heathrow is succeeding

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Dave Lee on mental health stigma


    Stigma is one of those words used so frequently in the mental health field that you almost expect it to be an acronym for something else. Tackling it is certainly one of the great challenges in mental health, and an area mental health foundation trust applicants are almost statutorily optimistic ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ali Mohammed on talking and listening


    It had been a long sunny day in Brighton and as I walked into our secretarial support office, sleeves rolled up and tie removed, my PA suggested out of concern that I was looking hot. The cheeky side of me came to the fore and I suggested that she wasn’t ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Separating services: a guide for PCTs


    PCTs need to separate provider and commissioner services to demonstrate transparency, accountability and modernised regulation. Christian Dingwall explains how to achieve this

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Andrew Castle on improving procurement processes


    Collecting and interpreting data is an essential part of supply chain management

  • HSJ Knowledge

    US health: Sicko's grim diagnosis


    It may be naive and polemical, but Michael Moore's controversial documentary Sicko reminds us we should treasure the NHS, says Noel Plumridge. Below, Empire magazine's Helen O'Hara reviews the film

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Barometer: public health October 2007


    October has seen a tentative increase in confidence over halting the rise in childhood obesity by 2010, according to this month's HSJ Barometer of public health directors. August's low of 2.91 has risen to 3.52 out of 10.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Public health networks reorganised


    The public healthelectronic networks project has now come to an end and the content of some of the sites has been moved to new sites.