All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 182

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Staff engagement: getting it right


    After 18 months running the out-of-hours GP service in Cornwall, services company Serco has learned some valuable lessons about training and staff engagement

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The lessons of e-learning


    The medical profession has had a difficult relationship with IT recently. Yet, away from the media spotlight, there has been a quiet computer-led revolution in the world of medicine. Janet Husband explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Two new tools to help diabetes networks


    Developing a Diabetes Service: using the diabetes commissioning toolkit provides a systematic approach for everyone involved in diabetes networks on how to use the diabetes commissioning toolkit. It aims to bridge the gap between national policy and local services to commission effective diabetes services.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Community matron intervention tools


    Gina Jones at Coventry primary care trust has kindly supplied NHS Networks with some community matron intervention tools developed by the PCT. These are now available to download from the community matrons network.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Clinical networks - delivering world-class commissioning


    Clinical networks have proven to be a valuable tool in delivering effective service provision and commissioning. Peter Melton explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New cardiac network website


    Shropshireand Staffordshire cardiac network has launched its new website. It contains information about heart diseases and procedures, local services, and the network's activities.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cycle to work scheme booklet


    The London NHS travel plan network has published a guide to the government’s cycle to work scheme in collaboration with the London Cycling Campaign. The scheme provides employees with tax-free loans to purchase bikes for commuting to work. The booklet includes a list of trusts currently operating the scheme.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Allen on the will to succeed


    Sports psychology teaches us that a positive attitude and self-belief are the keys to success

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Kate Silvester on managing staff, not parenting them


    In a hierarchical NHS, how can managers help create a world of equals where everyone contributes?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Raising organisational energy


    Raising energy levels by just a small amount can yield great results for organisations, says Rupert Symons

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Creating a viable national maternity service


    Confidence in flexible community midwifery services should transform current reliance on acute settings, writes Marina Colville

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Foundation trusts applications: shape up or ship out


    The deadline for all acute trusts to apply for foundation status by 2008 has proved unrealistic. What now for those that have not made the leap? Helen Mooney reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Amos on the Wanless report


    Six years have passed since the publication of Sir Derek Wanless's interim report on the long-term view for the NHS. What has changed since then?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Obesity and healthcare estate design


    At least one-third of adults in the UK will be obese by 2020 if current trends continue, yet there is little guidance, or even recognition, of this in healthcare estate design. Paul Willetts and Morag McGill say it is time to act

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Public sector efficiency - driving down costs


    Plenty of column inches have been dedicated to local authorities' efforts to drive down costs in line with the efficiency targets imposed by the Gershon review of public sector efficiency. The scope of the review goes beyond local government, however, containingrecommendations for the public sector as a whole, including spending ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Four-hour waiting target fuels admissions


    How have targets changed the way we organise emergency workloads and what has the impact been of the four-hour waiting target in accident and emergency? Paul Robinson explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Productive Ward programme extends its reach


    The drive to develop tools to help acute staff improve their ward processes and help nursing staff spend more time on patient care has moved forward with the creation of 10 'learning partner' trusts and two 'whole hospital' sites to road test the draft modules.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health service still not meeting patient priorities


    A new report commissioned by the Health Foundation has shown that a truly patient-centred NHS would place a higher priority on communicating and giving information, shared decision-making and treating patients as individuals.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Power games: what kind of manager are you?


    Getting what you want may not be as straightforward as it seems, writes Raj Persaud

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New hope for people with long-term conditions


    A new £4.95m Health Foundation initiative working with patients and staff across theUKhas offered new hope to people with long-term conditions. The Co-creating Health project will empower local people with long-term conditions to take control of their lives by encouraging better partnership working between patients, doctors and nurses.