All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 183

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Community matrons: new guidelines on fitness to practise


    New guidelines have been published to support the development and implementation of community matrons and case managers. Lucy Dennis explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Tackling the causes of blindness


    Health Foundation clinician scientist fellow Dr Robert MacLaren has made significant breakthroughs in tackling the most common cause of blindness in the developed world, previously thought to be incurable.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient choice: a systematic approach


    Another 'once in a lifetime' review of the NHS is upon us and despite the inevitable cynicism, there appears to be good reason to believe that Lord Darzi's review will bring a step change in the quality of care, writes Natalie Grazin

  • HSJ Knowledge



    Healthcare resource groupsThe national tariff is structured around case-mix measures called healthcare resource groups. HRGs represent groups of clinically similar treatments and diagnoses, which consume similar levels of healthcare resource.Market forces factorThis is the formula intended to counterbalance regional economic differences by adjustments to reference costs.Reference costsThe cost of each ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Useful PbR documents and websites


    Implementing PbR: information on the 2006 rollout. DoH PbR Implementation Support Guide, March 2006. Introduction, pages 4-52006-07 PbR technical guidance: executive summaryRevised PbR tariff 2006-07Delivering the NHS Plan, the document that outlined the intention of PbRDoH introducing PbR. In particular the executive summary, pages 4-6Annexes to the introduction to PbR, ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    PbR timeline


    April 2002: Delivering the NHS Plan says payment by results will ensure NHS funding is backed by a new approach to efficiency.April 2003: A tariff is applied to extra non-elective activity for 15 procedures, including standard hip and knee operations across all acute trusts.April 2004: The first 10 foundation trusts ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Payment by Results briefing


    In the April 2002 budget, the government announced the introduction of patient choice and the abolition of locally negotiated block contracts between primary care trusts and providers. Instead, it set up a system that would see hospitals paid for the activity they undertook under a system called payment by results.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Raj Persaud on what motivates us


    The reasons for our actions may not be as straightforward as they seem, says Raj Persaud

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Commissioning: skills for the future


    Since commissioning at primary care level offers an unrivalled opportunity to shore up the foundations of the NHS, pitching in is the way ahead, suggests Andrew Jones

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient involvement: young clients can become the boss


    Getting users to shape a support service for young people was a tricky balancing act but worth the effort, writes Lizzie Neill

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Helen Bevan on personal assistant power


    We have just completed the initial test phase of our NHS Productive Leadership Team programme. The participating local NHS leaders have shown it is possible to reclaim a day's worth of time a week by improving their e-mail and meetings management and adopting new personal work processes, writes Helen Bevan

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Foreign affairs: migration and the NHS


    Uncertainty about the number of migrant workers in Britain means that planning for demand on local NHS services may become increasingly tricky, writes Alison Moore

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on doctors leading patient safety


    Doctors' involvement in a hospital's patient safety drive is bringing about transformation, says Stephen Ramsden

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: Alzheimer's drug ruling


    The High Court hearing this year over the issue of the NHS funding drugs for treating Alzheimer's disease forced NICE to state its principles with great clarity. Now it has to stick to them, says David Lock

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health at work: down should not mean out of a job in the NHS


    People with mental health problems often get chewed up and spat out of work. The NHS can lead the way in breaking a vicious circle that has a high price for both employee and employer, says Steve Shrubb

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Data Briefing: new era of mental healthcare insights


    National mental health policy is moving on from the detailed specification of service inputs required by the national service framework to a greater focus on care outcomes.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Julian Topping on the value of occupational health


    The NHS could be a standard setter in healthy workplaces, says Julian Topping, and the new edition of the NHS Employers handbook will be invaluable

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS Employers and BMA publish findings on practice funding


    NHS Employers and the British Medical Association’s GPs committee have published a joint report on the outcome of the consultation on the review of the global sum allocation formula for practice funding.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Online resources for healthy workplaces


    Stuart Shepherd dips into NHS Employers' latest update of The Healthy Workplaces Handbook, also known as the 'Blue Book' – and now also available online

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The seven failings of really useless leaders


    Professional development gurus have identified all the pitfalls for aspiring great leaders and put them into a book. Stuart Shepherd reports