All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 184

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sport set to replace crime for priority offenders


    Prolific and priority offender schemes recognise that 80 per cent of crime is committed by 20 per cent per cent of offenders. One of the key pathways is improving offenders' mental and physical health.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Choosing Health tackles health inequalities in prisons


    Lifestyle initiatives are being taken into prisons to deliver healthy living messages to the most disadvantaged groups in society, writes David Williams

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Young offender pilot adds drive and motivation


    Paul is a young offender living inside HMP Young Offenders Institute, Swinfen Hall in the West Midlands. In 2006 he was one of the first to complete the prison health trainer training programme.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient Centred Care


    WinnerLeedsPCT'What Works?' pharmacy needle exchangeA pharmacy based needle exchange service providing sterile injecting equipment or ‘works’ to drug users in Leeds had no guidelines, governance or contracts - and was becoming increasingly fragmented.Needle exchange was established in the 1970’s and continues to play an important role in reducing the spread ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving patient access


    WinnerBoltonPCTMusculoskeletal Clinical assessment and Treatment Service (MSK CATS)The professionalism and ambitious breadth of work in a holistic and systemic approach were just some of the qualities in theBoltonentry that stood out for the judges. The panel also appreciated the strong focus on quality, an evidence-based methodology and robust outcome measures ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Leadership: what not to do


    Management development gurus have written a motivational book of 'what not to do' for would-be great leaders, writes Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Occupational health: making workplaces healthy


    The latest edition of the NHS's guidance on healthy workplace practices is a greatly expanded resource, reports Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health developments: doctors on the football pitch


    Sports stadiums are proving mutually attractive as shared sites for NHS health centres, and interest in such ventures is on the increase. Lynne Greenwood is your commentator

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Service design: how does it feel to be our patient?


    An unusual change project drafted in anthropologists to explore patients' experiences. Stuart Shepherd takes a look

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on giving constructive feedback


    If press reports are to be believed it will not be long before information about the performance of individual surgeons of all specialties is in the public domain. I am sure the royal colleges are preparing members for this major change of culture and practice and the rest of us ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Jennings on measuring clinicians


    How does a primary care trust measure the performance of its GPs? Some things are relatively easily counted: operations, visits to the clinician. It is harder to count things that really matter, such as standards of care, the competence of the clinician, training, and the outcome for the patient. Paul ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Recruitment and Retention


    Judges described the winner as an impressive partnership between health and local government that addressed both long and short-term recruitment issues. They praised the focus not just on healthcare but on community benefits, providing real opportunities for staff development and progression

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Reducing health inequalities


    Winner East Lancashire PCTThe Accident Prevention Team (ACAP) project was initially developed in 2001 to reduce the number of children below the age of five years attending A&E or GP surgeries due to a home accident. Since 2006 it has expanded to other safety issues.In some of the more ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health innovation


    Winner Oxfordshire PCTThe jointly commissioned by the local authority and PCT service delivers a single screening and referral process for children's mental health services. Any agency including health can access the service though a referral form which includes the views of the child and their family about what service they ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Implementing NICE guidance


    Winner Oxleas Foundation trust The project implements NICE guidance on Schizophrenia across a London based mental health trust. An audit measured trust practice against the guidelines and against a technology appraisal for the use of atypical antipsychotic prescribed to service users.The scheme concentrated on focusing on what clinicians need at ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Skills development


    Winner The DESMOND CollaborativeA self-management education programme for people newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes was developed.The DESMOND (Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed) Training and Quality Development (TQD) Programme is delivered by two trained health care professional educators to a group of patients over two ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Information-based decision making


    WinnerLeicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland Cancer NetworkService provision for the two cancer centres in Leicester, Northamptonshire and Rutland (LNR) was improved and standardised using Clinical Information Analysis (CIA) data.In the autumn of 2006, the CIA Programme presented data to the Network Oncology Group which showed the different treatment approaches being given ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Clinical service redesign


    Winner Salford Royal Foundation Trust and Salford PCTA new model of care for neuroscience disorders was developed in order to meet the 18 week targets.The existing service model was overwhelmed, with 11 week waiting times for first outpatient appointment, 13 weeks for a routine MRI and a further ten weeks ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Good corporate citizenship


    Winner Nottingham University Hospitals NHS TrustGood Corporate CitizenHolistic and happening was how the judges described good corporate citizenship atNottingham, a trust where the chief executive chaired the environment group and has sustainability as one of his five key priorities.The panel appreciated that the trust has a real understanding of how ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving Care with E-Technology


    Winner NHS Northwest,LancashireSouth andCumbriaCardiac Network and Broomwell HealthwatchCardiac Telemedicine in Primary CareAn NHS North West 6-month pilot of telemedical ECGs within Cumbria & Lancashire has the potential to slash NHS bills by at least£46M per year.Translating the success across the 15 GP practices and two NHS walk-in centres participating in ...