All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 185

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Primary Care Innovation


    Winner Bradford and Airedale teaching PCTSelf injury ServiceDespite the fact that a recent study has shown that as many as 11 per cent of 16 year old girls self-injure, the lack of compassion that they and others like them frequently experience in A&E, along with an overall dissatisfaction with the ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Public consultation: knowing your obligations


    Confusion often arises over NHS bodies' consultation obligations, but upcoming legislation makes it ever more important to get these right, says Trevor Blythe

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cost Effective Partnership Working


    WinnerBirminghamEast andNorth PCTNo need to teach an old dog new tricks.Arrangements made under the Health Act Flexibilities led to the then Eastern Birmingham PCT undertaking responsibility, in 2004, for an integrated provision with a pooled fund for Intermediate Care Services. The partnership arrangement with Birmingham City Council’s Adults and Communities ...

  • HSJ Knowledge



    Winner Newham University Hospitals NHS Trust Patients FirstA unanimous winner in the opinion of the judges, the Newham communications project was applauded for its involvement and inspiration of staff at all levels, its measurable impact on the local community’s perception of the hospital and most ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Chronic disease management


    Winner Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Primary Care Trust with Cornwall County Council Department of Adult Social CareThe Pathway to Improving Health andIndependenceIn an area with a large population of older persons, high indices of deprivation and long journey times to acute services, an inclusive strategy has seen a former ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A clinical vision for service redesign


    When clinicians were asked to design their ideal service, common design rules quickly emerged. As Nigel Edwards and William Dunlop explain, these closely matched the views of patients

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Data Briefing: efficiency efforts begin to pay off


    A year after their first publication, the NHS Better Care, Better Value indicators are starting to reflect efforts to improve the efficiency of NHS care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Radiography careers: recognition where it is due


    The College of Radiographers has been working with Skills for Health to increase the recognition of skills and expertise among its professionals and to support the development of new roles such as assistant practitioner in radiotherapy.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The role of an assistant practitioner in radiotherapy


    When Elaine James decided she needed a new challenge, she did not know she would end up in a role that combined physics, medical knowledge and the ability to liaise with patients and different departments in one of the country's busiest hospitals.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Developing global health partnerships through volunteering


    In the first of a series of online columns charting her experiences as a development volunteer in Cambodia, Patricia Sloane explains why she is taking the plunge into her new role and how she expects it to help her after she returns to the NHS

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Training on a tight budget


    Affordable methods of training are giving a healthy return on the investment, writes Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on local leadership


    All leaders, even those at the most local level, must demonstrate knowledge and passion in order to bring about real transformation, writes Maggie Rae

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Provider services: get up to speed on quality


    Stockport primary care trust has pioneered a model for assuring quality of provider services. Rebekah Cresswell explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Infection control: middle of a chain reaction


    By making the most of partnership working, new technologies and ongoing vigilance, Plymouth Hospitals trust was able to make great strides in the fight against infection

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Palliative care: 'a good death is part of life'


    The hospice movement has made major advances in end-of-life care but more change is needed. With a government advisory group due to report, Mark Gould looks at the issues

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jenny Rogers on spotting bullies and stopping bullying


    Few words are more bandied around than the b-word - bullying. But what is really meant by it? What should you do if you are on the receiving end of such an accusation? Jenny Rogers explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Building a sustainable workforce in the NHS


    The need to trawl worldwide for newly qualified staff may be gone for the NHS but ensuring the right people find the right jobs remains a challenge, reports Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Training budgets: recovery due for learning


    Experts argue that it is time for training to return to NHS employers' agenda, claiming cost-effective learning improves organisational performance. Stuart Shepherd reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Restructuring ambulance services: the benefit of foresight


    Bob Sunley describes an ambulance service restructuring process that was evaluated from the outset, not just at the end

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Orphan drugs: economies in treating rare disorders


    Transparent mechanisms for deciding on the use of high-cost drugs for rare disorders are needed, says Michael Sobanja