All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 187

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Rare diseases: adopt orphans


    A lack of knowledge and understanding is resulting in inequalities surrounding the prescription of drugs for rare diseases, reports Michael Sobanja

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Staying informed on healthcare


    Christine Halpin talks about establishing a health information service for disadvantaged groups.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mastering strategic asset management


    NHS organisations must keep tabs on their estate by compiling comprehensive information on their properties, writes Mark Paget Skelin

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Recalling the offer of choice


    The government revealed the results of its£11million GP access survey last month and promised ‘immediate action’ to rectify the areas of underperformance, particularly the poorer access reported by patients in poorer areas; ‘improvement teams’ are being dispatched.Another part of the access survey concerned patient choice. The survey asked patients whether ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Born under a bad sign


    Perinatal depression is gaining a higher profile, with a drive to increase awareness and provide wider access to specialist provision. Emma Dent reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The NICE threshold


    How costly or cheap, relative to its benefits, does a healthcare technology have to be to justify its rejection or acceptance by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Long-term sick leave is a pain in the neck


    Nearly 10 million working days are lost each year to musculoskeletal disorders. With evidence that lack of work can be bad for people's health, Stephen Bevan argues 'signing off' is not the only option

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Trading places


    After an exceptional week spent in each other's roles, the chief executives of a primary care trust and its main acute provider agree the idea works. Daloni Carlisle reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A game for two players


    The Healthy Schools initiative continues to be a thriving joint programme, reports Varya Shaw

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equality - tools of the trade


    Ethnically diverse populations present a range of challenges for healthcare. But help is at hand with Hammersmith's award-winning cultural toolkit, says Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Day-case rates


    Recent research by Dr Foster and the NHS Institute analyses productivity opportunities across a range of key areas such as reductions in emergency admissions, statin prescribing and increases in day-case rates. For the last of these there the most recent quarter shows an opportunity of£12m, down from£16m in Q1 2006. ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on encouraging honesty


    Once again, it is the time of year when a young manager's thoughts turn to the staff survey. The NHS staff survey is the largest of its kind in the world, and annual familiarity can breed contempt. But the results have a way of impacting on organisations' parts that even ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on building trust


    Competence-based work and well-defined skills are key to an effective workforce. My civil service colleagues benefit greatly from the Professional Skills for Government training they get. Of course, experience and creative thinking are also part of a well-rounded person.However, you can have all the skills, intelligence and qualifications you like, ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jenny Rogers on anger management


    A new client is referred to me. It's clear this man is a star; a globally respected expert. When everything is going well he is personable, dynamic, creative and meets stretching targets. Yet it is clear from the muffled and coded semi-briefing I get from his boss that this man's ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Money management


    Reform and reorganisation in health services is not new. But arguably the most recent changes have had the most fundamental impact on the working lives of staff and there is increasing concern about the personal financial implications of these developments

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Keele celebrates 20 years of health management


    Celebrating the 21st anniversary of the Centre for Health Planning and Management next month, Keele University will be taking time out to reflect on past achievements and look to the centre's future.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Thornton on engaging clinicians


    'One of the most powerful motivating factors for clinicians to be involved in improving services is seeing its direct impact on the quality of patient care'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Bipolar disorder 'shrinks brain'


    Dr Andrew McIntosh, a Health Foundation clinician scientist and research fellow, has discovered thatpeople with bipolar disorder suffer from an accelerated shrinking of their brain.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Transforming care at the bedside


    Health Foundation quality improvement fellow, Annette Bartley has been asked by the Welsh Assembly to pilot a programme to transform bedside care based on her fellowship research in the United States.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Amos on the case for change


    'The experience of the Blitz was used as evidence that, on the whole, people wanted to stay put - sixty years later, and the NHS is at it again.'