All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 188

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Star quality


    A rich variety of activities can help ease boredom for inpatients and lower aggression. Emma Dent reports on how the Star Wards scheme uses pastimes as therapy

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lesley Wright on walking the walk


    'Many healthcare teams are undertaking the lean approach and systematically removing waste to improve the flow for patients.'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Why is it essential to go on the record


    Good patient records are crucial to safety and quality of care. Mala Bridgelal Ram and Iain Carpenter make the case for standardisation

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Chapter and diverse


    Assessing your organisation for equality, especially in regard to the less legislated areas of sexual orientation and faith, does not have to be daunting, says Katherine Cowan

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Organ Donation: give or take?


    Sir Liam Donaldson's recent proposals to increase organ donation by making consent implicit go directly against the Human Tissue Act 2004, reports Ben Troke

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A look at long-term care


    The national framework for NHS continuing healthcare comes into force on 1 October. Eve Francis gives a legal perspective on the implications of the framework for PCTs and NHS trusts and the pros and cons of the new regime

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Reducing maternal death rates in Malawi


    Maternal and neonatal death is one of the biggest healthcare issues facing developing countries. Malawi has one of the highest death rates in the world, with over 5 per cent of births ending in a fatality. To help tackle this, the Health Foundation is running a three-year programme dedicated to ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Go on Darling, open up those vaults of secrecy


    Alistair Darling's comprehensive spending review will bring real-terms cuts to many public services but it could also highlight the lack of transparency on how priorities are reached, says Colin Talbot

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Acute trusts September 2007


    Confidence in the positive effect of choice continues its steady rise, according to the latest Barometer survey of acute trust chief executives.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Raj Persaud on trade-offs in healthcare


    The concept of 'trade-offs' is well understood in health – benefits of drugs traded against side-effects, for example, but many find it harder to juggle the trade-offs of change, says Raj Persaud.At the heart of the clinical practice of medicine is the idea of a ‘trade-off’ – we prescribe a ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The nuclear option that's increasing patient safety


    A colour-coded early warning score system adapted from nuclear submarines has significantly reduced mortality rates at Luton and Dunstable hospital.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Enthusiasm for equality


    A recent study has shown that although measures are in place to prevent discrimination on the basis of sexuality, it is still being demonstrated throughout the NHS. Stuart Shepherd reports on why many are choosing to hide their sexual orientation from colleagues

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on being a good chief executive


    'What is the role of a chief executive? I constantly ask myself this and I firmly believe the NHS has got it wrong.'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Pioneer teams are overcoming anger


    A programme for aggression management in secure psychiatric settings trials the latest international research, reports Louise Hunt

  • HSJ Knowledge

    MTAS: after the storm


    The dust is still settling on the MTAS debacle, but the future of medical training is far from gloomy. Daloni Carlisle reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health special feature: inequality street


    Despite a concerted effort to clean up its act, race still plays a significant part in the quality of mental healthcare that patients receive, writes Mark Gould

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health special feature: discharging responsibility


    Mental health providers are working to tackle the problems of over-occupancy, length of stay and over-representation of black and minority ethnic groups. But are they doing enough, asks Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health special feature: the big issues


    From vulnerable women on mixed-sex wards to continued over-representation of BME groups, Mental Health Act Commission chief executive Chris Heginbotham has a lot on his plate. Emma Dent reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Making the best of the clinical workforce


    Preparing the healthcare workforce to meet the challenges of the future will require clear professional development strategies, write Tony Weetman and Steven West

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Raj Persaud on trade-offs


    If you could be given a money substitute for charming nurses, how much would compensate you for their absence?