All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 190

  • HSJ Knowledge

    PCTs under pressure to open doors wider


    With the disappointing results from last month's primary care access survey, the government is expecting a fast response from PCTs. David Stout suggests competition between practices could be the answer

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lean principles


    Lean working principles have enabled Airedale General Hospital cut referal to diagnosis times for suspected bowel cancer patients.Developed by staff at Airedale NHS Trust, the project saw the Lean Healthcare Academy, based at Airedale General Hospital, West Yorkshire, working with its founding partner, The Virtual College in Ilkley, to streamline ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Day-case rates on nationwide increase


    Research by Dr Foster and the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement analyses productivity savings across a range of areas including reductions in emergency admissions, statin prescribing and increases in day-case rates. For the latter, the most recent quarter shows a saving of £12m, down from £16m in quarter 1 ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Strategies for managing the market


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership has rolled out a pilot information-gathering project in East Lancashire to help commissioners and providers work together for patients. Tony Ryan and colleagues explain

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managing the commissioner-provider divide


    Primary care trusts face a confusing array of options in handling their provider arms, says Jeremy Roper

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Allen on a fashionable performance


    'All teams should take a long hard look at their communication and decision-making processes'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The language of business


    A national English language teaching project has proven that setting resource materials in the context of healthcare increases learners' interest in applying for jobs in the sector. Kath Jones explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Apollo mission to improve


    A free tool created by the national diabetes audit enables GP practices to save time by extracting data from primary care clinical systems automatically

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New acting chief executive


    Tim Straughan has been appointed acting chief executive of the Information Centre for health and social care, after the departure of Denise Lievesley.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improvements in heart attack treatment


    The Information Centre for health and social care has welcomed the publication of the fifth Myocardial Infarction National Audit Project.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Learning to let go


    More than half of employees spend some of their holiday worrying about work. Managers could help staff plan ahead and get ready to relax

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Tongue twisters


    English language training opportunities that assist access to and performance in healthcare jobs are under threat, says Paul Gander

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on staff carers


    'Caring is a burden and for some carers it can be overwhelming, making work difficult and sometimes impossible, and severely restricting life chances'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Heroes face up to a day full of crisis


    The HSJ Challenge gave participants a series of hair-raising 'problems' to resolve, report Charlotte Santry and Victoria Vaughan

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Andrew Castle on the perfect process


    'Just knowing what should be happening, or what we think is happening, does not help us make informed decisions'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Green shoots of recovery


    In the last of our series on organisational turnaround, we peer through the breaks in the clouds around two once-troubled trusts

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Informing NHS Choices


    NHS Choices has been working closely with the Information Centre for health and social care over the past three months to help primary care trusts check and validate the data on this official government website, which covers more than 40,000 organisations and comprises more than 1 million pieces of information.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Strategies for tackling obesity


    A number of approaches have been successful in delivering cost-effective obesity management in the NHS. Ailsa Brotherton and Carol Pinder explain

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: when your private life isn't so private


    Employees whose out-of-hours activities compromise their employer's reputation could face serious consequences, writes Claire Reynolds

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Hospital health advice and toolkit


    Cheshire and Merseyside Partnerships for Health, the public health network forCheshireand Merseyside, has added two useful documents to its page.