All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 201

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety in Scotland


    The patient safety team at NHS Tayside has won two accolades for progress in improving patient safety.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    US best practice on diabetes care


    Knowledge gained from a Health Foundation fellowship trip to the US is being brought into Bolton

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Doncaster PCT: helping incapacity benefit claimants back into work


    A new local occupational health service has resulted from a project that focused on incapacity benefit claimants.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Andrew Castle on root causes


    How often do we find ourselves in the same old situations at work? Things are not going ideally, we know what is going to happen and, eventually, it does. How often, when we are in these situations, do we step back and analyse why it has happened and how we ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Quicker diagnosis makes good timing


    Strides towards the 18-week patient pathway have been made in Blackpool, where a trust slashed diagnostic waits. Varya Shaw reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Helen Bevan on transformational learning


    Every so often, I come across research or evidence that gives me profound insight into why things happen the way they do. I experienced just such an epiphany in December, when I led a workshop on transformational learning at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Forum, the largest healthcare improvement gathering ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    PEP talk to combat HIV


    The Terrence Higgins Trust has doubled both awareness and take-up among gay men of a treatment that can prevent HIV infection after exposure to the virus.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    No cash, lots of commitment


    Deprivation in leafy Staffordshire provided an interesting challenge for Dr Zafar Iqbal

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Two more dates confirmed for Good Management Live


    Two new dates have been confirmed for the next set of Good Management Live dates - dealing with the application of lean techniques and with length of stay.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Early intervention in psychosis team


    Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster's early intervention in psychosis team has a range of help available over a three-year period for clients aged 14 to 35 who have experienced an episode of psychosis.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Ramsey on developing a competitive strategy


    One of the key issues for NHS organisations is the issue of how to manage in a dynamic and competitive market place whilst at the same time operating within the boundaries of national tariff, payment by results and choice.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    South Tyneside urgent care team


    The South Tyneside urgent care team is a multidisciplinary team that provides intensive therapeutic interventions to people who have a substantial or critical level of mental health need. It was highly commended in the high-impact changes for mental health Positive Practice Award 2006.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: medical care for prisoners


    The challenges faced by primary care trusts in delivering health services to prisoners have been seriously underestimated, says David Lock

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Brent relapse prevention project


    An award-winning project aims to maintain the recovery of people with complex mental health needs who use other services

  • HSJ Knowledge

    10 high-impact changes for service improvement and delivery


    'We sought evidence to show which areas realised the greatest benefit the 10 high-impact changes. We wanted to find out how these benefits changes might be measured in relation to the impact on service users and carers, staff and organisations, service delivery and social care outcomes'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sounding off


    With the incidence of mental illness among deaf people high and specialised services almost non-existent, getting help can be difficult. Emma Dent explores the gaps in care

  • HSJ Knowledge

    At your service


    The government and PCTs are contemplating the benefits of community foundation trusts, but are they really the future for provider services, asks Kaye McIntosh

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The safer sex


    Medium secure provision for women has been inadequate, but services tailored to their needs are now being provided. Emma Dent reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    What's quality?


    With the emphasis on financial turnaround and the 18-week target, the primary focus of most organisations is finance and delivery. Patient experience and service quality do not seem to get the same attention. But does better-quality healthcare cost more money, or less?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Under pressure


    The national IT programme is in all sorts of trouble, with problems ranging from slow uptake to embattled suppliers. Andy Cowper looks for the silver lining and signs of progress