All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 202

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Power of two


    A new bill will oblige councils and primary care trusts to work together. In a joint feature with Local Government Chronicle, Kaye McIntosh asks how it will work in practice

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Outcomes measures tools


    A range of good quality outcomes measures tools exist to help us collect information in a structured and evidence-based way. These tools contain a set of questions - the same questions are answered at agreed points in a person's care over time in order to track changes. People coming into ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Storing up trouble: the problem with materials


    Seven months ago I joined the NHS from a role in operational management in manufacturing. One of the first things I noticed is that we seem to have missed the point on managing materials.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    In the minds of managers


    How do NHS leaders remain resilient in the face of mind-bending stress? Psychiatrist Raj Persaud talks with four top chief executives about the secrets behind their success

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Turnaround strategies and the law


    Many NHS bodies are developing turnaround plans to achieve financial recovery. The implementation of these raises complex legal issues, particularly on patient and public involvement and employment law. Graeme Trigg reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Special report on ISTCs: Opportunity knocks


    Independent sector involvement in the NHS has sparked fierce criticism. But consultants Andy Mullins and colleagues argue that it will be a catalyst for the innovation needed to ensure the long-term survival of the service

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety: making the most of an incident


    Reporting of patient safety incidents in Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire primary care trusts has been relatively low. An incident learning group, formed in 2004, brings together clinicians and managers to review incident reports, formal complaints and patient advice and liaison services data. Discussion enables common themes and areas of ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Wish they weren't here?


    The Conservatives want it. Gordon Brown might do it. But what would an independent NHS look like? HSJ brought together key healthcare figures to debate the possibilities

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New guidance revolutionises NHS waste management


    A recent Department of Health memorandum looks set to cause the greatest shake up of waste management within the NHS since the disappearance of the hospital incinerator.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Get together


    A new inspection regime - the comprehensive area assessment - is to be rolled out for a range of local services. HSJ and sister title LGC collected the great and the good to discuss how it will affect their work

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Special report: PCT futures


    In December, HSJran the PCT Futures conference in London, bringing together a wide range of speakers from government, primary care and the independent sector. In this special report we examine some of the main themes to emerge, from the complex arguments around splitting commissioning ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS and local government: friends and relations


    HSJ 'Managers make the difference' campaign: HSJ's campaign charter stresses the responsibility and capacity of NHS managers to engage stakeholders outside the NHS. To mark the launch of an exclusive briefing paper, Colleen Shannon looks at the complex relationship with local government and MPs

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Preparing for healthcare resource group four


    Healthcare resource groups are standard groupings of clinically similar treatments which use comparable levels of healthcare resource.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Three new quality improvement fellows head off to the US


    The Health Foundation has selected Dr David Gozzard, Dr Jacky McLeod and Susan Went as this year's quality improvement fellows.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ensuring timely newborn screening


    Maternity services: Great Ormond Street Hospital

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Turnaround tales from the edge


    The second in our three-part series on turnaround success stories shows how three more trusts took radical action to stop the rot

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Early learners


    Thirteen health communities have volunteered to be 'early achievers' for the tough new 18-week target. Alison Moore hears lessons from the pioneering trusts

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Looking for trouble: promoting safety at Luton and Dunstable foundation trust


    Luton and Dunstable foundation trust's chief executive explains the steps the organisation has taken to improve its safety culture

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Double troubles


    What do you do with a patient who is both mentally ill and addicted to drugs or alcohol? Lynn Eaton on how the NHS is finally waking up to the challenge of dual diagnosis

  • HSJ Knowledge

    International development: 'Go and tell people what it's like here'


    In the midst of grinding poverty, Malawi's tiny nursing workforce is fighting to meet the country's healthcare needs. Emma Dent reports