All HSJ Knowledge articles – Page 212

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How to aspire to zero waits


    Waiting times for outpatient clinics are a useful measure of the performance of pathways between primary and acute care. The challenge is to design services that reliably achieve zero waits. There are two causes of waits: queues to manage demand, and a lack of resources.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ supplement: better buildings


    Just four years since its inception, ProCure21 is helping over 130 trusts to deliver new facilities. It has 72 schemes on site and 97 in planning. Already, 92 schemes worth £369m have been completed.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Involving service users in recruitment


    Consulting and involving service users in drug and alcohol services is now compulsory under the Health and Social Care Act 2001.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Economic growth and NHS spending


    If the chancellor sticks to Derek Wanless's 'fully engaged' scenario for future NHS spending, the next few spending rounds are likely to see smaller rises for the NHS than the last two as total healthcare spending flattens out at around 10.5 per cent of GDP across the UK.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Preparing for an open information culture


    From 1 January the Freedom of Information Act 2000 introduces a new openness to public authorities.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Why training is essential for clinical coding


    Better case-note documentation can have a major impact on a hospital's budget under payment by results.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Book of the month


    I began Public Health And Health Promotion, (3rd ed, Baillire Tindall, 24.99) hoping it would quickly signpost me to effective interventions, writes Sarah Wilson.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Helen Bevan on US public health


    We can learn a lot from other healthcare systems. Sometimes we find we have more in common than in variance - even with situations that appear to be the polar opposite of the NHS.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Make boards work better


    Why do trust boards seem to operate outside the realms of performance review? Jay Bevington, Paul Stanton and Phil Glanfield show how it should be done

  • HSJ Knowledge

    What are the best funding models for continuing care?


    Continuing care funding often involves individuals in the most difficult circumstances with complex needs. Locally we have tried various formulas for considering the applications for NHS funding, most recently establishing a panel that social services were invited to join.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Being a better manager


    Q. The project I have been working on has been sidelined and my team moved to work on another one. The new project tackles the same issue but the methodology feels totally alien. We risk merely ticking a box to achieve a target. Someone new has been brought in to ...