All HSJ Local articles – Page 103

  • Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Devo Manc leaders seek 'best deal' for trust turnaround


    No national funding has been given to the turnaround work at Pennine Acute Hospitals Similar turnaround efforts have received significant financial support from the Department of Health Leaders say “best deal possible” will be reached for 2017-18 Leaders in Greater Manchester have said they need to be “realistic” ...

  • map of london
    HSJ Local

    Joint chief appointed to run five CCGs


    A collective of clinical commissioning groups in south London has appointed Sarah Blow as their new accountable officer.

  • East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Trust recommended to exit special measures


    CQC recommended East Kent Hospitals University FT leaves special measures Inspectors say significant improvements made in maternity and emergency care NHS Improvement defers decision till 2017 while it reviews trust’s finances England’s chief inspector of hospitals has recommended that East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust should exit special ...

  • prison
    HSJ Local

    NHS manager guilty of £153,600 fraud avoids jail


    Lisa Hill and Ian Watson admitted defrauding the NHS of £153,600 Judge suspended two year jail term for two years Money was used to train GPs in mental health care A senior clinical commissioning group manager and clinical lead on its board have avoided being immediately jailed after ...

  • Barts Health NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust plans £60m extra savings by April


    Barts Health Trust plans to use £33m of non-recurrent savings to meet its financial target in 2016-17, including balance sheet adjustments and cuts to planned consultancy work.

  • Birmingham Heartlands Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust set to miss financial target due to CCG fines


    A large acute foundation trust has said it is likely to miss its control total by £10m because of fines imposed by commissioners for emergency readmissions and the resulting loss of central funding.

  • scissors budget cuts
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners may make 'controversial' cuts to break even


    Herts Valleys CCG reported £6.1m deficit at the end of August and is now considering decommissioning or cutting services to break even Care packages, IVF and OTC prescriptions all under review CCG failing on QIPP scheme and 40 per cent behind schedule by the end of August Herts ...

  • Sam Allen
    HSJ Local

    Deputy steps up to trust chief executive role


    Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust has appointed Sam Allen as its new chief executive.

  • HSJ Local

    Trust tells staff to stop overspending or risk losing STF money


    Dudley Group FT tells staff overspending puts its STF payments at risk Trust has introduced spending controls as the cost of agency staff doubles this year Over spending means purchasing a new electronic patient record system is at risk Staff at a Midlands acute trust have been told ...

  • Cambridge
    HSJ Local

    CCG may be ordered to break into reserves as finances deteriorate


    Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG control total revised from £3m to £17.4m deficit CCG will “probably” be ordered to raid reserves by NHS England to improve position at end of 2016-17 CCG says it faces “most significant” financial challenge since its inception The financial position of one of the ...

  • law
    HSJ Local

    CCG manager convicted of £153,600 fraud


    A senior clinical commissioning group manager and a leading GP on its board defrauded the NHS of £153,600 set aside to treat patients over winter into the bank account of a company they controlled.

  • Mid_Stafford_hospital_sign
    HSJ Local

    Emergency department to close as part of £245m savings plan


    Staffordshire STP outlines plans to close emergency department Savings of £245m will be made by 2021, including service closures STP aims to reduce A&E admissions by 20 per cent An accident and emergency department will close in Staffordshire along with 100 community hospital beds, according to the Staffordshire ...

  • Whipps Cross University Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Major hospital rated inadequate for second time


    Whipps Cross rated inadequate for a second time Staff told CQC about bullying at the hospital Barts Health Trust to remain in special measures The Royal London has rating upgraded to requires improvement Whipps Cross Hospital, the main acute site for Barts Health Trust, has been rated inadequate ...

  • Sarah Jane Marsh
    HSJ Local

    Trusts set February deadline for merger


    Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Birmingham Women’s Hospital foundation trusts will integrate by 1 February 2017, the providers have confirmed.

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: 13 services could be decommissioned at major hospital trust


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has been warned 13 services could be decommissioned CCGs want to redesign the model for another 17 services Commissioners say the changes are to be completed by July One of the largest acute trusts in the country faces 13 services being decommissioned and 17 ...

  • Calderstones Partnership Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Capital question hangs over landmark hospital closure


    Consultation is under way over the future of patients at England’s last standalone learning disability hospital has begun, but capital funding for proposed changes has yet to be approved.

  • King's Mill hospital
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: Huge cost of failed trust merger


    Merger between Nottingham University Hospitals Trust and Sherwood Forest Hospitals FT cost £10m Trusts paid more than £6m for consultancy advice and £1m for clinical support Both trusts have been reimbursed for the costs after a control total adjustment was made for Sherwood Forest Hospitals Work to prepare ...

  • Calculator
    HSJ Local

    NHS manager jailed for £300k fraud scam


    Text messages and chat messages prove NHS manager’s guilt Money spent on trips to Butlins and tickets to Chelsea Football Club NHS Protect appeals for help in finding fraudsters An NHS manager responsible for maintaining dialysis equipment at a London trust has been jailed for fraud worth £300,000.

  • Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Frimley Health takes over Southern Health services


    CCG says the integrated workforce will “help support the vanguard accountable care system” Southern Health staff will become employees of Frimley Health from 1 January Southern Health says the financial impact “will not affect our ability to deliver other services effectively” A vanguard foundation trust is preparing to ...

  • Broadmoor
    HSJ Local

    Trust warned over staffing at Broadmoor hospital


    Regulators have ordered a mental health trust to make significant improvements at a high secure hospital, after concerns were raised in three inspections.