All HSJ Local articles – Page 110

  • Katrina Percy
    HSJ Local

    Katrina Percy resigns from Southern Health advisory role


    Katrina Percy resigns from Southern Health FT less than six weeks into strategic advisory role She will receive 12 months’ salary, with agreement from the trust, NHSI, the Department of Health and the Treasury NHSI says legal advice suggested there were “no legal grounds” to dismiss Ms Percy, and ...

  • Leeds General Infirmary
    HSJ Local

    IT crash trust had tech problems in pathology service since March


    Automated pathology system suffered faults from March, letter reveals Problems led to 400 samples not being tested and a backlog of 2,000 tests at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust says the issue was unrelated to major hardware fault last month IT problems at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust’s blood sciences ...

  • X ray
    HSJ Local

    Trust's radiology information system crashes for nine days


    System crash meant patients had to attend clinics without their imaging report Board papers said the trust had “plans to give notice” on the contract Trust says patient care was “not compromised” by the system failure A trust has said it has no plans to pull out of ...

  • Sara Munro
    HSJ Local

    New trust chief vows to cut costly out of area treatments


    Leeds and York Partnership FT’s new chief executive hopes to save £1.5m by reducing out of area treatments Trust has sent 37 adult mental health patients out of area for treatment since April Sara Munro took up the post last month Hopes reducing out of area placements will save ...

  • Man smoking
    HSJ Local

    'Outstanding' CCG to make smokers and obese patients wait six months for surgery


    Harrogate and Rural District CCG announces new measures to help it make £8.4m of savings Proposals include getting obese patients and smokers to lose weight or quit for six months before being considered for operations The CCG was one of 10 rated “outstanding” by NHS England in July ...

  • Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust
    HSJ Local

    A&E closures not ruled out in troubled STP patch


    “Differing views” over which back office services in Hereford and Worcestershire footprint should be protected Dermatology services in Worcestershire deemed financially unsustainable Emergency department closures not ruled out Potential for shared pathology and pharmacy services between acute trusts The new health system for Hereford and Worcestershire has requested ...

  • Microscope
    HSJ Local

    Trusts establish 'first of its kind' regional pathology venture


    Two trusts have formed an innovative digital pathology partnership designed to secure sustainable, high quality services for the whole of east and south Yorkshire.

  • operation
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners plan children's surgery shake-up


    Two district hospitals would stop providing hyper-acute stroke care and reduce access to paediatric surgery under a proposed shake up of services in Yorkshire.

  • Birmingham
    HSJ Local

    GP alliance to cover 1 million patients


    Eight large scale GP providers in Birmingham form alliance STP “started without the inclusion of GPs” says new grouping Eight large scale GP providers across Birmingham have formed an alliance to improve representation of general practice in local sustainability and transformation planning, HSJ has learnt.

  • Busy hospital
    HSJ Local

    Downgraded A&E set to reopen after NHS Improvement review


    A&E department at Chorley and South Ribble Hospital was suddenly downgraded in April this year due to staffing shortages In August local leaders said efforts to recruit adequate numbers of doctors had been unsuccessful Simon Stevens had praised the trust over its decisions An independent review has recommended the ...

  • Grantham Hospital
    HSJ Local

    A&E night closure sees two patients a night sent elsewhere


    Early data from controversial move suggests average of just two patients a night needed transporting to alternative A&E, says trust Night closure of Grantham unit resulted in admissions being reduced from 14 to 12 per day, trust says Royal College of Emergency Medicine says trust took “appropriate measures” ...

  • Town hall sign
    HSJ Local

    Council chief appointed CCG director


    A senior council officer has been appointed “interim recovery director” of a troubled clinical commissioning group in Merseyside.

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    CCG steps in to pay owed wages in patient transport debacle


    CCG pays wages owed to former NHS patient transport service staff Commisioner says it intends to claw fees back from Coperforma, which disputes the issue Some improvement in performance in recent months A clinical commissioning group has paid the wages owed to the staff of a patient transport ...

  • Handshake
    HSJ Local

    South East trusts target April merger


    Two Essex mental health trusts set out merger timetable Organisation will have new name: Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust Trusts will discuss final business case in November before regulators scrutinise deal Two Essex mental health trusts are aiming to merge by April under a new name, according to ...

  • Mop and bucket
    HSJ Local

    Nurses forced to clean wards after private company fails to improve


    Nottingham trust says company has made “insufficient progress” Nurses are cleaning after Carillion staff to maintain standards, trust says Board will discuss future of £200m cleaning contract later this month Nurses at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust are having to clean wards after cleaners from a private company in ...

  • Board room
    HSJ Local

    Board upheaval at governance failure trust


    Two non-executive directors stand down from Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust board Trust said it needed to “strengthen its financial governance arrangements” weeks after revealing large unplanned deficit Peter Lachecki appointed as next chair Two non-executive directors are departing from Gloucestershire Hospitals Foundation Trust just weeks after it revealed ...

  • Calculator
    HSJ Local

    Special measures CCG must 'think the unthinkable' to avoid £31m deficit


    Shropshire CCG reports £12.2m deterioration from plan in first four months of the year Legacy debts and acute provider overspends are largest cost pressures CCG faces a year-end deficit of £31m if it fails to make sufficient savings Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group is facing a potential £31m deficit ...

  • Colm Donaghy
    HSJ Local

    Trust chief executive to retire next year


    The chief executive of Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust, Colm Donaghy, has announced he will retire in March next year.

  • Stephen Childs
    HSJ Local

    CSU director named as CCG chief officer


    The managing director of the North of England Commissioning Support Unit has been appointed as chief executive for Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group, and will do both jobs.

  • Camden Town, north London
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Five CCGs consider joint chief across STP patch


    Five CCGs consider move to single joint chief officer CCGs say they are reviewing “a number of ways” to collaborate North Central London STP is led by Royal Free chief executive David Sloman Five clinical commissioning groups are considering a move to a single chief officer across their ...