All HSJ Local articles – Page 128

  • Generic bacteria dish
    HSJ Local

    More bugs found in hospital's endoscopy unit


    Bacteria found in rinse water from endoscope decontamination machines, which were identified by the trust as “overdue for replacement” Procedures were temporarily shifted to different hospital while equipment was cleaned Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust says no patients have been infected PATIENT SAFETY: More bacteria has been discovered in ...

  • GP
    HSJ Local

    CCG links extra GP funding to new standards


    CCG to link £2.4m of extra funding to new quality standards Individual practices are unlikely to meet the standards without some form of collaboration with others Borough’s LMC is broadly supportive of the project Commissioners in Salford will invest an extra £2.4m in primary medical care next year, ...

  • Waiting room
    HSJ Local

    Largest GP federation becomes social enterprise


    Largest GP federation becomes community interest company Alexin Healthcare formed in 2013 as company limited by shares Managing director says change in legal form should change commissioners’ perceptions COMMERCIAL: The country’s largest GP federation has changed its constitution to become a community interest company.

  • Hospital bed
    HSJ Local

    Community hospitals could close under CCG's plans


    STRUCTURE: Five community hospitals in Surrey could have services changed, and two could close, under plans drawn up by their clinical commissioning group.

  • Staffordshire Moorlands view from the Roaches
    HSJ Local

    Staffordshire CCGs anticipate 'virtual' merger


    Chief officer of three Staffordshire CCGs says they could streamline all functions except governing body meetings Andrew Donald says any CCG merger should be the result of “natural evolution” Large scale organisational development work underway STRUCTURE: The chief officer of a trio of clinical commissioning groups in Staffordshire ...

  • Queen's Hospital, Burton
    HSJ Local

    Midlands FT chief executive resigns


    The chief executive of Burton Hospitals Foundation Trust has resigned after steering the trust out of special measures last October.

  • King's Mill hospital
    HSJ Local

    Unsustainable Midlands trust picks merger partner


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust name preferred organisation to merge with Sherwood Forest Hospitals NUH proposal was chosen because if offered the best long term benefits to patients The trust will provide immediate assistance ahead of a formal merger STRUCTURE: Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has been named as the ...

  • maternity newborn baby child
    HSJ Local

    East Sussex maternity services switch to Kent trust


    RECONFIGURATION: Maternity services in part of east Sussex are to transfer to Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust in Kent.

  • Jackie bene
    HSJ Local

    Third trust considers joining Dalton’s ‘hospital chain’


    Bolton was previously reluctant to join Salford Royal and Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh in their foundation group Trusts expected to retain separate boards under the new model, but could be run by a joint executive team The three FTs have begun discussions over reconfiguration of breast surgery and women’s ...

  • primary care
    HSJ Local

    Virgin legal challenge forces CCG to row back primary care plans


    Hull CCG wants to create geographical groups of practices, each operating as larger scale providers HSJ understands initial plan to create the groups were challenged by Virgin Care There will now be a full procurement process for eight GP practices, grouped into four lots COMMERICAL: A legal challenge ...

  • Oxford bikes
    HSJ Local

    CCG seeks to recreate PCT system via devolution bid


    STRUCTURE: Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and the county council have asked the government for powers to jointly commission all the area’s specialised services, primary care, social care and public health services in a bid to recreate the commissioning system that existed before the Health Act 2012.

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    Special measures ambulance trust chair steps down after seven years


    Chair of London Ambulance Service Trust to step down Richard Hunt due to be replaced by Heather Lawrence LAS is only ambulance trust in England to have been placed in special measures An ambulance trust put into special measures last year has appointed a new chair.

  • Operation
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: £50m deficit trust 'does not know how much it spent with private sector'


    Foundation trust unable to how much it spent sending patients to private sector St George’s slid into deficit soon after acquiring FT status and forecasts £50m overspend in 2015-16 Auditors’ report criticises “lack of oversight on a trust-wide basis” FINANCE: A teaching hospital forecasting a £50m deficit this ...

  • Ruth Carnall
    HSJ Local

    Devon success regime finds £442m funding gap


    NEW Devon success regime chair says centralisation of services needed Dame Ruth Carnell says “transitional funding support” needed for transformation Devon first success regime to publish findings STRUCTURE: Health and care services in northern, eastern and western Devon face a £442m funding gap by 2020-21 unless radical action ...

  • Woman on phone
    HSJ Local

    Controversial out of hours shake-up faces delay


    Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin CCGs expected to extend GP out of hours service after public opposes tender plans Commissioners say changes needed to comply with NHS England standards for commissioning integrated urgent care Regional out of hours services have not been subject to competition for 20 years ...

  • GP and patient
    HSJ Local

    CCG to beef up conflict of interest prevention after whistleblower concerns


    COMMISSIONING: A clinical commissioning group has admitted its system for ensuring there was no conflict of interest in the commissioning of primary care services must be improved, HSJ can reveal.

  • Hospital merger puzzle
    HSJ Local

    Trust mergers should ‘come into fashion’, says chief executive


    Chief executives of Calderstones and Mersey Care trusts say more mergers should be used “to create organisations that are strong and sustainable” The trusts are due to merge this summer Comments follow turnarounds at Calderstones Hospital and Wexham Park STRUCTURE: Two more trust chief executives have made the ...

  • Town hall sign
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: CCG and councils planning to form ‘one organisation’


    Councils and clinical commissioning groups in Greater Manchester are being encouraged to integrate their commissioning functions, as part of the region’s devolution project.

  • Graph
    HSJ Local

    Sussex trust’s deficit forecast sinks


    FINANCE: East Sussex Healthcare Trust has increased its predicted deficit by a third after losses soared in the first nine months of the financial year.

  • Research
    HSJ Local

    Top hospital trust orders ban on consultant study leave


    Letter to consultants at Central Manchester University Hospitals Foundation Trust also says leave already booked will have to be cancelled Cost-saving move described as “unprecedented” by a British Medical Association representative, who said it could raise concerns over patient safety Trust may breach its £19m deficit plan for 2015-16 ...