All HSJ Local articles – Page 129

  • Camden Town, north London
    HSJ Local

    Kent chief executive joins Camden trust


    APPOINTMENT: Angela McNab has been appointed as the new chief executive of Camden and Islington Foundation Trust and will take up the post in April.

  • Len Fenwick
    HSJ Local

    Newcastle FT to take over some North Cumbria services


    Newcastle FT will run some children’s services in north Cumbria Partnership set to be extended with cancer services considered a likely focus North Cumbria grappling with unsafe and unsustainable services, and senior leadership turnover North Cumbria University Hospitals in special measures and part of success regime Newcastle upon ...

  • South Devon
    HSJ Local

    Financially challenged Devon makes devolution bid


    “Heart of the South West” bids for five year devolved budgets for health, care and public health Region includes Northern, Eastern and Western Devon CCG, which has the biggest CCG cumulative deficit in England Somerset CCG and South Devon and Torbay CCG also part of the bid DEVOLUTION: ...

  • mental health depressed elderly woman wheelchair
    HSJ Local

    Learning disability patients in limbo after funding dispute


    Lancashire County Council has refused to meet the costs of patients being resettled in the community Council says NHS dowries “not enough” to fund care Some discharges already delayed by the dispute Care costs can be as much as £300,000 a year PATIENT EXPERIENCE: A funding dispute threatens ...

  • Calderstones Partnership Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Vast improvements recognised at Calderstones


    PERFORMANCE: A learning disability hospital which will be forced to close in the next three years is expected to receive a “good” rating from the Care Quality Commission next week.

  • Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust
    HSJ Local

    Worcestershire hospital reforms approved by trust and CCGs


    STRUCTURE: A long running West Midlands reconfiguration has moved a step closer to being implemented after proposals were backed by the affected trust and its main commissioners.

  • St George’s Hospital
    HSJ Local

    FT’s deficit slide remains a mystery after damning leadership report


    Extracts of report make serious criticisms of trust’s financial management Report said “it was difficult to understand” why governance issues were not picked up earlier Trust refuses to release full 350 page review into how it ended up with £17m deficit FINANCE: St George’s University Hospitals Foundation Trust ...

  • Older woman with nurse
    HSJ Local

    Loser of £126m tender challenges commissioners


    COMMERCIAL: One of the losers in a £126m community services tender has written to commissioners to query their methodology.

  • A river in Worcester
    HSJ Local

    Worcestershire CCGs ink three year commissioning support deal


    Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit wins contract to provide services to Worcestershire’s CCGs Three year contract worth £5.6m Tender awarded through NHS England’s lead provider framework COMMERCIAL: Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit has been named as the preferred provider of support services to Worcestershire’s three clinical ...

  • morecambe bay lancashire
    HSJ Local

    Morecambe Bay vanguard sets out ‘accountable care’ ambition


    Better Care Together project is part of the national vanguard programme Work seen as crucial to future of University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay FT Current system “trapped in annual contracting cycles” and payment models with the wrong incentives STRUCTURE: Health leaders in Morecambe Bay will look to establish ...

  • A workshop or meeting room with flip chart and people in suits
    HSJ Local

    Pharma companies banned from sponsoring CCG's events


    South Warwickshire CCG leaders will no longer allow drug companies to sponsor its events Change driven by recent media reports and staff concerns that pharma representatives at events had “little benefit” COMMERCIAL: Pharmaceutical companies will no longer be allowed to sponsor events organised by South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning ...

  • GP with male patient
    HSJ Local

    Health on the back burner in southern devolution bid


    Complex integration left to later stage by Surrey, East and West Sussex

  • Surgery
    HSJ Local

    Thousands of patients adrift on specialist trust waiting lists


    Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt FT has identified 14,500 follow-up patients beyond their due date More than 1,200 planned patients had no date or a date that had been missed Monitor to appoint improvement director to oversee recovery plan PATIENT SAFETY: Thousands of patients at a specialist acute ...

  • Gillian fairfield
    HSJ Local

    Manchester trust warns council over transformation plans


    STRUCTURE: A major hospital trust has told Manchester City Council that any transformation of acute services in the city must sit within the context of its existing plans.

  • primary care
    HSJ Local

    CCG scrambles to find ‘emergency’ GP providers


    Sunderland CCG searching for providers to take on temporary contracts for three GP practices CCG failed to ensure services would be provided in six months to October 2016 Practices say CCG did not inform them clearly of procurement plans COMMERCIAL: Commissioners in the North East are urgently searching ...

  • Front of Medway Maritime Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Medway finance interim leaves as deficit hits £42m


    Interim finance director Tim Bolot leaves Medway FT after 18 months Trust recorded £42m in-year deficit in December Darrenn Cattell appointed as new interim finance director WORKFORCE: The highly paid interim director of finance at Medway Foundation Trust has left – as the trust heads towards a deficit ...

  • Ambulance2
    HSJ Local

    Greater Manchester CCGs call for region-wide ambulance contract


    Commissioners are exploring whether they can form a new contract for emergency ambulance services across Greater Manchester.

  • Simon hairsnape
    HSJ Local

    Worcestershire chief to take over in Herefordshire


    Chief officer of two Worcestershire CCGs is seconded to lead Herefordshire CCG for two years Latest in a series of management changes in Worcestershire Redditch and Bromsgrove CCG has been placed into turnaround by NHS England WORKFORCE: Two Worcestershire clinical commissioning groups have been left without a permanent ...

  • merger shaking hands men
    HSJ Local

    FTs agree to push ahead with merger


    STRUCTURE: Two Surrey trusts could merge as early as the summer after their boards decided to press ahead with revised plans.

  • Virus
    HSJ Local

    Costs of hospital bug outbreak rocket to £5m at major FT


    FT had predicted the financial impact of CPE bug to be £700,000 Rapid increase in spending since 2010, but preventing spread is “vital” Bacteria usually harmless but can cause serious infections for elderly patients with underlying conditions PATIENT SAFETY: Efforts to contain the spread of highly resistant bacteria ...