All HSJ Partners articles – Page 40

  • HSJ Partners

    Paul Allen on business principles for the NHS


    Last year, I wrote an article for this column on the role leadership plays in building and sustaining great organisations. It featured the work of Jim Collins, author of Good to Great and Built To Last.

  • HSJ Partners

    Leadership Fellows scheme opens for the last time


    The Health Foundation's Leadership Fellows scheme is open for applications. This is the last chance for health professionals with the potential to significantly improve the quality of health services in the UK to undertake almost two years of personal and professional development, free of charge.

  • HSJ Partners

    Using communication to improve patient safety


    Effective communication in hospitals is vital to save lives and ensure patients receive the best care. Clinicians and managers alike should work to hone their skills in this area, as Liza Coffin explains

  • HSJ Partners

    Improving survival rates for heart attack patients


    Yorkshire Ambulance Service medical director Alison Walker is a Health Foundation Leadership Fellow. She has been working on a project to redesign ambulance services to deliver faster and higher-quality care for people who have had a heart attack, resulting in increased survival rates.

  • HSJ Partners

    Developing the annual health check


    The Health Foundation has used learning from its safer patients initiative to advise on methodology that could be used when assessing whether acute trusts are complying with the hygiene code.

  • HSJ Partners

    Healthy weight management


    Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives: a cross-government strategy for England was launched in February. In the same month, NHS North West launched the North West framework, which sets out guidelines on helping children and families achieve a healthy weight.

  • HSJ Partners

    Guide to integrated working


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership's five networks publish a range of material that sets out to inform and advise people working in health and social care on a range of issues, including integration, personalisation, telecare and housing. Chris Mahony gives an overview of one recent publication below

  • HSJ Partners

    CSIP factsheet on administering medicines


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership's housing learning and improvement network has published an online factsheet to help practitioners, commissioners, care service managers and housing managers in extra care housing deal with issues surrounding administering medicines.

  • HSJ Partners

    Information Centre report looks at GP pay


    The Information Centre for health and social care has published figures that look at the changes in family doctors' pay over time, as well as how pay varies according to factors such as a GP's age and the number of partners in a practice.

  • HSJ Partners

    Information Centre takes over NHS central register


    Responsibility for the NHS central register, which contains nearly 150 million patient registration records, transferred from the Office of National Statistics to the Information Centre for health and social care on 1 April, further establishing the Information Centre as England's primary resource for authoritative health and social care information.

  • HSJ Partners

    Census shows rise in NHS clinical staff


    More doctors and nurses are working for the NHS, but the number of support staff has fallen, a workforce census by the Information Centre for health and social care has shown.

  • HSJ Partners

    NHS staff survey results


    The results of the 2007 NHS staff survey show that the NHS remains a good place to work and that employers have improved on key measures including job satisfaction, training and work-life balance.

  • HSJ Partners

    Pay review results announced


    NHS Employers has reached agreement with Unison, the Royal College of Nursing and the Department of Health on proposals for a three-year pay deal for staff on Agenda for Change pay bands.

  • HSJ Partners

    Julian Topping on the Corporate Manslaughter Act


    The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 has caused a stir in boardrooms across the land.

  • HSJ Partners

    Flexible learning for the healthcare workforce


    Christina Pond looks at why healthcare employers need to develop a motivated, flexible and highly skilled workforce

  • HSJ Partners

    New guidance on pandemic flu


    The NHS Networks pandemic flu page has been updated with several new guidance documents for acute hospitals, ambulance trusts, hospices and other health and care bodies.

  • HSJ Partners

    NHS Networks - 500 and growing


    If you will excuse a little self-indulgent, self-congratulatory ballyhoo, NHS Networks has reached a significant milestone. This month we are three years old.

  • HSJ Partners

    New contract for staff and associate specialist doctors


    Proposals for new contracts for staff and associate specialist doctors have been accepted.

  • HSJ Partners

    Research funding: raising the game


    I recently heard from an experienced research colleague that commissioning bodies need to 'kick evaluators out of their comfort zone'. He proposed that evaluators and researchers deliver less than they could because funders are not really engaged, interested, or skilled enough to ask for more.

  • HSJ Partners

    Northern Ireland welcomes patient safety collaboration


    Northern Ireland'schief medical officer Dr Michael McBride has welcomed the Northern Ireland Safety Forum's collaboration with the Health Foundation.