HSJ Partners – Page 37

  • HSJ Partners

    Housing support 'is cost effective'


    Hot on the heels of the Darzi review, the Integrated Care Network has published a study that suggests health and social care investment in housing support is cost-effective and can transform lives.

  • HSJ Partners

    Supporting world class commissioning


    Primary care trusts and practice-based commissioning clusters need accurate, up-to-date information to develop better services for patients. Work is under way to ensure the Secondary Uses Service delivers what they need, writes Tim Straughan

  • HSJ Partners

    Online guide offers support to commissioners


    A booklet detailing the key NHS information services available to support commissioners has been launched by the NHS Information Centre.

  • HSJ Partners

    Nurses' pay increases by 4.2 per cent


    Qualified nurses' estimated basic pay increased to £27,000, according to the NHS Information Centre, which published its latest estimates of NHS staff earnings on 26 July.

  • HSJ Partners

    Improving English language skills in the NHS


    Ensuring that all NHS workers have a good grasp of written and spoken English is an essential part of the patient safety drive, as Rosemarie Simpson explains

  • HSJ Partners

    Paul Allen on failure breeding success


    Having recently returned from a frustrating day's skiing, I was regaling a friend with my experiences over dinner. He asked me how my day had been.

  • HSJ Partners

    Dr Michael Clark on using evidence


    In health and social care the idea of using evidence to inform policy development and practice is now the norm. But there are still many challenges and potential pitfalls associated with using evidence.

  • HSJ Partners

    Early intervention in psychosis


    The first early intervention service in the UK was established in Birmingham in 1989. This was after a period of evidence growth from clinical and research development. Early intervention in psychosis is an established part of the service configuration of modern mental health services.

  • HSJ Partners

    Improving access to psychological therapies


    The improving access to psychological therapies programme has always been heavily engaged with evidence and its development. It emerged on the basis of evidence that many people with common mental health problems could benefit from improved access to psychological therapies.

  • HSJ Partners

    National social inclusion programme


    There is a complex pattern of interaction between social exclusion and mental health. It is important to be thorough about evidence because of this complexity and to ensure that our understanding of issues is not confused or oversimplified. This requires sustained engagement with evidence.

  • HSJ Partners

    Vin McLoughlin on how Darzi can improve patient care


    If the NHS is to improve the quality of care it provides, its leaders need to work in partnership with patients to give them the information and skills to understand how to best manage their condition.

  • HSJ Partners

    Sir Alan Langlands to chair Health Foundation board


    Sir Alan Langlands will be the new chair of the board of governors of the Health Foundation. Sir Alan will take over the role when Sir David Carter steps down in January 2009.

  • HSJ Partners

    Health Foundation report estimates cost of life years


    A new Health Foundation report has estimated the cost of 'saving' one extra year of life in five disease categories using a measure of years of life lost instead of a mortality rate.

  • HSJ Partners

    Health Foundation raises concerns over stroke care


    The UK lags behind other developed nations in stroke care and England is far from meeting its own targets, according to a new Health Foundation report.

  • HSJ Partners

    Information Centre alcohol report paints a worrying picture


    Hospital admissions specifically related to alcohol have more than doubled in England since 1995, according to an NHS Information Centre report.

  • HSJ Partners

    NHS Comparators wins national award


    The NHS Comparators website scooped the Best use of Information award at the annual ASSIST awards.

  • HSJ Partners

    The future focus for social care information


    Demands and expectations on the social care system in England have changed significantly over the last decade. Our population has grown dramatically and its composition has evolved greatly in terms of age and ethnicity. In deciding how best to address these needs, providers need to consider how to offer a ...

  • HSJ Partners

    Freeing bottlenecks in vital services


    When you have highly qualified, expert staff in costly facilities, the last thing service managers need are bottlenecks that make it difficult for patients to access vital services quickly, writes Christina Pond

  • HSJ Partners

    Defining the role of the physiotherapist


    With more than 35 million work days lost each year in the UK to occupational ill health and injury, it has been widely acknowledged that physiotherapists should play a key role in delivering future occupational health strategies, which in turn must be brought into mainstream healthcare provision.

  • HSJ Partners

    Paul Allen on business principles for the NHS


    Last year, I wrote an article for this column on the role leadership plays in building and sustaining great organisations. It featured the work of Jim Collins, author of Good to Great and Built To Last.