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Manchester University FT: Lowering the Platelet Threshold Prior to Tunnelled Line Insertion in Haematology Patients
In 2016, the British Society of Haematology produced guidelines for the use of platelet transfusions, which recommended a platelet threshold of >20x10⁹/l for the insertion of tunnelled central venous catheters. Before this guidance, a threshold of >50x10⁹/l was commonly used. Anecdotal evidence suggests that practice varies nationally and that practitioners are reluctant to lower the platelet threshold for fear of increased complications due to bleeding. A collaborative study between the Interventional Radiology and Haematology teams in Manchester University Foundation Trust was undertaken to implement the new BSH guidelines and gauge impact on complication rates.
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- Airedale FT: Airedale’s Perioperative Safety Journey
- Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care FT: Daily Swabbing Process to facilitate Continuation of Elective Endoscopy Activity through COVID-19
- Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care FT: Wave Three Response to Enable Surgical Patient Flow
- West of England AHSN, Royal United Hospital Bath, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston, Gloucestershire Hospitals FT, North Bristol Trust, Great Western Hospital Swindon: PreciSSIon - a Regional Collaborative to Reduce Surgical Site Infection After Elective Colorectal Surgery
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HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2021: Perioperative and Surgical Care Initiative of the Year
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