University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust: Medicines Learning Portal
An online site helps junior pharmacists to develop the skills they need to solve the common clinical problems they are likely to encounter in the early days of their career. This is delivered through online text, images, quizzes, audio, clinical scenarios plus links to other resources.
When the University Hospital Southampton FT set up the project, key areas to address were identified by asking pharmacy learners and tutors, and clinical specialists across the Thames Valley and Wessex area. A number of partners helped with input and promotion of the site, which went live on October 1 2015.
Staff costs to maintain the site are £14,000 a year and other costs have been minimal. Since launch it has had more than 325,000 visits with 94 per cent of those responding to an online survey saying it helped learners make clinical decisions.
While UHS has set up and maintains the site, it is open to everyone – 15 per cent of users come from London, for example. As well as pharmacists, it may have some relevance for nurses as it covers areas such as side effects and compatibility of injections.
Read a detailed case study about this project at HSJ Solutions
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