It is essential to halve delays in discharge
Crispin Simon on what can be learnt from the private sector to reduce the chronic problem of delay in the discharge of patients.
Choose and Consult over Choose and Book
Choose and Book needs to be radically reformed to become a modern Choose and Consult service so that the inefficient divide between specialists and GPs is done away with. By Martin Roland and Sam Everington
Revealed: Trusts' estimated savings potential
By using publicly available data, HSJ has been able to closely match the methodology used by Lord Carter to produce trusts’ headline “savings opportunity” figures. Here we list the least and most efficient trusts according to the headline measure, as well as data for all trusts.
Exclusive: Hospital inspections exceeded hotel and travel budget by four times
CQC hospital inspection directorate spent £4.4m on “travel and subsistence” in 2014-15 against budget of £1.1m CQC says overspending occurred because budget was based on previous, lighter touch inspection regime Figures obtained by HSJ show up to £80,000 spent on accommodation during single inspection The Care ...
Trusts ‘make do and mend’ as capital investment squeeze hits estates repairs
“High risk” maintenance problems up 30pc year on year, as capital investments falls Estates director warns “make do and mend” approach to maintenance will impact safety Imperial College Healthcare would have to spend £39m to deal with high risk backlog NHS providers face costs of more than £450m ...
Analysed: The biggest NHS providers of specialised services
University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust saw the largest increase in its specialised services income last year, new information obtained by HSJ reveals.
HSJ Local
Imperial slashes private earnings forecast
FINANCE: One of England’s most prestigious teaching hospital trusts has been forced to revise down the amount of private income it plans to generate this year.
Analysis: Acute trust stretch targets would cut deficit by only 16pc
The financial ‘stretch targets’ issued to acute NHS trusts would reduce their deficit by just 16 per cent, HSJ analysis has found.
HSJ Local
Royal Cornwall chief leaves for 'personal reasons'
WORKFORCE: Bill Shields, interim chief executive of Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, has said he will step down at the end of the month for ‘personal and family reasons’.
Value in Healthcare Awards: Value and Improvement in Procurement
Value in Healthcare Awards winners for 2015
Value in Healthcare Awards: Value and Improvement through Outsourcing
Value in Healthcare Awards winners for 2015
Value in Healthcare Awards 2015
Learn about this year’s winning projects in HSJ’s celebration of organisations delivering real value
Revealed: Winners of the Value in Healthcare Awards 2015
Chosen from a record breaking number of entries
No more savings can be made, trusts tell regulators
Trusts have told regulators they will not be able to improve their financial positions without affecting frontline services, senior acute trust leaders have told HSJ.
London's devolution demands revealed
Proposals to redesign London’s £93bn public services through wide ranging devolution from central government have been agreed by borough leaders and the city’s mayor.
NICE safe staffing decision not about money, says chief nurse
NHS England chief nursing officer Jane Cummings has said the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence will continue to be used for evidence reviews on safe staffing ‘where appropriate’.
Updated: Rollover tariff trusts expect massive deficits
Several large hospital trusts that rejected the voluntary tariff agreement have predicted huge swings in their financial position for 2015-16.