All Independent providers articles – Page 17

  • manager 2

    Senior managers leave Capita team running troubled GP contract


    Two senior managers leave Capita’s troubled primary care support service Jill Matthews, former managing director for PCS, has now been “embedded” in Capita with other NHS England personnel NHS England has begun daily performance meetings with Capita over PCS service failures Medical records service problems expected to be resolved ...

  • X ray
    HSJ Local

    Trust's radiology information system crashes for nine days


    System crash meant patients had to attend clinics without their imaging report Board papers said the trust had “plans to give notice” on the contract Trust says patient care was “not compromised” by the system failure A trust has said it has no plans to pull out of ...

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    CCG steps in to pay owed wages in patient transport debacle


    CCG pays wages owed to former NHS patient transport service staff Commisioner says it intends to claw fees back from Coperforma, which disputes the issue Some improvement in performance in recent months A clinical commissioning group has paid the wages owed to the staff of a patient transport ...

  • News

    MCP bidders told to avoid seeking 'excessive profit'


    Favoured bid for MCP contract will be one which does not seek “excessive” profit says vanguard CCG Dudley CCG sets out proposed service scope for MCP CCGs will be able to terminate MCP contract if provider is not achieving agreed outcomes Some adult social care and public health services ...

  • Ealing Hospital NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    'Gap' in CCG assurance process for Care UK contract


    Verita report identifies “gap” in CCG assurance process for urgent care contract Care UK staffing model for contract “took no account of predictable peaks in demand” CCG failed to seek assurances that contract was not adversely affecting staffing levels and care at north London centre There was a ...

  • David Behan

    CQC patient expert contract 'not performing'


    CQC board meeting reveals Remploy expert by experience contract “not performing” as expected Incumbent experts claim inspections allocated haphazardly as Remploy subcontracts its duties CQC met Remploy to discuss 11 areas where it expects improvement The Care Quality Commission has ongoing concerns over its patient experts contract with ...

  • mental health child
    HSJ Local

    Staffing and leadership monitored at private hospital in special measures


    NHS England is closely monitoring staff “capacity and capability” at Huntercombe Hospital in Stafford after damning CQC report One ward remains closed and two have capped capacity CQC has completed a follow-up inspection, which the hospital says found improvements The “capacity and capability” of staff at the Huntercombe ...

  • Brain scan
    HSJ Local

    Children's mental health pilot aims to bridge care 'disconnect'


    Pilot project for CAMHS aims to bridge disconnect between community and inpatient care West London project one of two granted devolved commissioning powers to create new care models in the sector Project leaders hope to integrate tier three and four CAMHS services to reduce number of admissions and length ...

  • Ben clover expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    London Eye: Competition and 2,000 year-plus waiters


    Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover

  • mental_health_brain_head

    Private children's hospital rated inadequate across the board


    An independent children’s mental health hospital has been placed in special measures after a damning inspection found safety concerns including staff shortages and overuse of restraint on patients.

  • Insulin injection
    HSJ Local

    Private provider beats trusts and GP federation to community contract


    COMMERICAL: Virgin Care has been named preferred provider to provide adult community services in the south of England as part of an alliance contract, ahead of a bid from local trusts and a GP federation.

  • Social care
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners insist Virgin Care will make no 'margin' on Bath contract


    Bath and North East Somerset CCG and council claim Virgin Care will make no “margin” on £69m community services contract Commissioners say company’s proposed information system “almost feels like nirvana” Contract will cap Virgin Care’s “management and organisational costs” COMMERICAL: A CCG and council in the South West ...

  • Bath
    HSJ Local

    Virgin Care preferred bidder for £69m community services contract


    Virgin Care selected as preferred bidder for £69m community services contract in Bath and north east Somerset Firm beat Sirona Care and Health consortium, which included two trusts Commissioners say contract will include clause requiring any surplus to be “reinvested into services in Bath and north east Somerset” ...

  • Ambulance

    16 CCGs launch integrated NHS 111 and urgent care services


    Sixteen West Midlands CCGs launch integrated NHS 111 and out of hours service Care UK to deliver NHS 111 services across the region Seven urgent care providers have formed an alliance agreement to integrate with 111 services Patients can access social care through new 111 service Sixteen West ...

  • Eye reaction test

    NHS England 'not holding Capita to account' for support contract failings


    Problems with primary care support service provided by Capita “regularly played down”, optometrists and opticians body claims NHS England not “doing all they should” to hold company to account, letter says Staffing capacity for primary care support services “not what it should be” Problems with primary care support ...

  • Handshake

    NHS Improvement to explore new private sector partnerships


    NHS Improvement’s 2016-17 business plan includes priority to “explore” and “facilitate” private sector partnerships Regulator will look at “outsourcing of new, novel or restructured clinical services” and “independent sector management models” NHSI believes private sector can help relieve operational pressures, provide capital and support hospital chains NHS Improvement ...

  • Macclesfield district general hospital
    HSJ Local

    North West trust 'not sustainable' in current form


    East Cheshire Trust board says organisation is not sustainable in its current form Trust reported a £24m deficit in 2015-16 and it cannot make required savings under payment by results tariff Trust is discussing with local commissioners the possibility of becoming an accountable care organisation STRUCTURE: East Cheshire ...

  • Will hazell expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Deep South: Public-private joint venture and Brexit fallout


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell

  • Queen's Hospital Romford
    HSJ Local

    Trust to spend £12m on clearing waiting list backlog


    PERFORMANCE: A teaching hospital is to spend £12m clearing its backlog of elective patients who have waited more than a year.

  • Ben clover expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    London Eye: Suspension, validation and a surprise admonishment


    What is going on in England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover