All Independent providers articles – Page 61

  • News

    NHS trusts dump Capita over payroll errors


    Five NHS organisations with more than 16,000 staff have ended a payroll contract with Capita after a catalogue of errors. The contract had been due to run to 2010 but was terminated last week after just 18 months.

  • News

    Colonoscopy review triggers nearly 100 recalls


    Around 100 patients treated at an independent sector treatment centre have been offered further tests after concerns their procedures may not have been carried out thoroughly.

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    Scotland moves to stop GP 'commercialisation'


    The Scottish government is today launching a consultation on the eligibility criteria for providers of GP services in a bid to stop the 'commercialisation' of GP practices.

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    GP practice fights PCT over branch surgery


    A GP practice is fighting a primary care trust, claiming it stopped its planned branch surgery because it would compete with another new practice.

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    Virgin grounds proposals to run GP surgeries


    Virgin Group has effectively put on hold its ambitious plans to take over and run GP surgeries, casting doubt on the prospects for private involvement in primary care.

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    Out of hours care standards to be applied to urgent care


    National standards for out of hours providers could be extended to cover some in-hours services.

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    Lord Carter to head up NHS competition panel


    Lord Carter of Coles is to be the first chair and director of the NHS Co-operation and Competition Panel.

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    Whitehall will pay buildings costs on ISTCs


    The Department of Health has said it intends to pay any buy-back costs for independent sector treatment centres - taking a massive financial burden off primary care trusts.

  • News

    ISTCs: where are all the patients?


    Under-capacity independent sector treatment centres look set to leave the health service £350m out of pocket, despite an upturn in the number of patients treated. Could a system facelift improve usage? Alison Moore investigates

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    Shortfall in care home funding


    An extra £540m is needed to pay for residential care for older people, research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation predicts.

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    Chair of NHS co-operation and competition panel named


    The first chair and director of the NHS co-operation and competition panel will be Lord Carter of Coles. He will take up the post in October.

  • News

    Foundation trusts may fight private patient income cap


    Foundation trusts could challenge the cap on earnings from private patients under EU law, the Foundation Trust Network has warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Bringing mental health under the NHS wing


    Successive governments have left mental health in the shadows. At the Liberal Democrat conference leader Nick Clegg will outline his plans to turn the sector around and make it truly patient centred

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    Birkdale Clinic was 'in tolerable range'


    A private provider whose contract with a leading trust was suspended did not have significantly poor outcomes, an investigation has found.

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    Scotland considers ban on commercial GP firms


    The Scottish Parliament is to consider a move to ban commercial companies from running GP surgeries north of the border. Scotland's first minister Alex Salmond hopes to push the measure through in a health bill.

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    Private patient cap too restrictive - FT Network


    The private patient cap is too restrictive and poses an obstacle to developing integrated services, the Foundation Trust Network has said in its submission to a Monitor consultation on the issue.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Benchmarking out of hours healthcare


    Huge variations in the cost and quality of out of hours healthcare around the country have led to moves to benchmark these services. Kaye McIntosh reports

  • News

    PFI plan could keep debts off NHS trusts' balance sheets


    NHS trusts may hand their private finance initiative hospitals over to specially created charities to avoid reporting PFI debts on their balance sheets, HSJ has learned.The controversial plans would involve trusts ceding control of the hospitals to a third party.

  • News

    Hull trust buys private hospital


    Hulland East Yorkshire Hospitals trust has bought a private Nuffield hospital to avoid contracting out services to the independent sector.The trust said the new building, which will cost£10m to buy and make immediate improvements to, would save it money.Chief executive Stephen Greep said: "The major element will be that it ...

  • News

    Hull trust to buy Nuffield hospital


    Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals trust is buying the private Nuffield hospital at Cottingham to improve facilities for ear nose and throat and breast surgery patients.