All Independent providers articles – Page 64

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How primary care grew up


    In our latest feature marking 60 years of the NHS, Ingrid Torjesen charts the general practitioner's rise from poor relation to commissioner

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Pharmacies' role in community care


    From screening to health advice to treating minor ailments, pharmacies are embracing their new role as partners in the drive to improve public health

  • News

    CBI claims contract debacle will hit future bids


    Private companies will be reluctant to bid for future NHS contracts, the Confederation of British Industry has warned.

  • News

    Managers blamed for infection control failings


    Eighty per cent of respondents to a survey carried out for healthcare group BUPA said they blame managers for superbug infections, while only 1 per cent blamed doctors.Respondents also said they were not prepared to travel more than 20 miles to go to a hospital they considered to be clean. ...

  • News

    ISTC payment framework announced


    The Department of Health has set out the costs it is prepared to cover as a result of last year's rescoping of the phase two independent sector treatment centre programme.

  • News

    Corporate manslaughter: you could be in the dock


    From 6 April NHS organisations could be prosecuted for corporate manslaughter if someone dies in their care, but different interpretations of the law mean trusts may be unclear about their responsibilities. Ingrid Torjesen attempts to unravel the new actFor more in-depth information about the act, register for HSJ’s free corporate ...

  • News

    Jon Restell on valuing all frontline staff


    I have had the people who work in general practice on my mind recently. At this time of especially heightened clinical engagement, it is easier than ever to forget that good healthcare is delivered by teams.

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    Managers see private sector as threat, survey reveals


    Sixty-eight per cent of practice managers think private sector providers pose a major threat to the quality of general practice and patient care, according to a new survey.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: Olympic health worries


    'I would rather be in music than in politics,' said health secretary Alan Johnson in an interview with The Observer's Music Monthly magazine.

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    NHS service providers can advertise under new code


    NHS trusts and independent providers of NHS services have the freedom from today to advertise direct to patients - but must abide by a new code of conduct.

  • News

    Foundation trusts query accounting changes


    Foundation trusts have raised concerns that forthcoming changes to accounting rules could undermine efforts to get hospitals to focus on where they make and lose money.

  • Comment

    Guarantees are vital to ISTC success


    Your piece on independent sector treatment centres, 'ISTC contract guarantees will saddle NHS with £187m bill', misses some fundamental points, writes David Worskett

  • News

    FESC is thrown open without Treasury probe


    The Department of Health has extended its commissioning support programme without carrying out an expected value-for-money assessment of the scheme, HSJ has learned.Health secretary Alan Johnson announced last week that the framework for procuring external support for commissioners, FESC, is now open to all primary care trusts to buy in ...

  • News

    PCTs pressured to lose provider arm


    Strategic health authorities are forcing primary care trusts to divest themselves of their provider functions, PCT chiefs have claimed.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Change of view: improving primary care


    GPs in Essex were stimulated by the arrival of an alternative provider contract in their patch, say Hilary Ayerst and Paul Corrigan

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on topping up NHS care


    It is a long time since NHS care was unequivocally free. Over half a century ago, in the final days of a post-war Labour government that was proud to nationalise not just healthcare but the 'commanding heights' of the British economy - coal, steel, the railways - a certain outspoken ...

  • News

    ISTC contract guarantees will saddle NHS with a £187m bill


    Deals with private contractors have left the NHS facing a hidden 187m bill to buy back some of the controversial independent sector treatment centres, HSJ has learned.

  • News

    New super-regulator begins to take shape


    Last week the bill that will see the merger of three regulators began its process through the Lords. But there are warnings that detail on the new legislation is sketchy, leaving trusts in the dark over how it will affect them. Charlotte Santry reports

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    Government 'still wasting money on ISTCs'


    Research published in the British Medical Journal today argues that there is no good evidence that independent sector treatment centres provide value for money or high-quality care.

  • News

    Lord Warner new chair of UK Healthgateway


    UKhealth market access company UK Healthgateway has appointed former health minister Lord Warner as its chair.