All Independent providers articles – Page 67

  • News

    Money for nothing in the ISTC labour crisis


    They were meant to cut waiting times for routine operations, but independent sector treatment centres continue to go under-used while primary care trusts foot the bill. Alison Moore reports

  • News

    ISTC contract shortcomings are exposed


    An HSJ investigation has found that the vast majority of independent sector treatment centres did not deliver the work contracted for in 2006-07.

  • News

    DoH names 14 firms that will support PCTs


    Fourteen private firms have been appointed by the Department of Health to help primary care trusts commission services, HSJ can reveal.

  • News

    Trust may change how it manages international patients


    Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children trust is consulting on a proposal to manage its international and private patient division through a separate charity.

  • News

    Private equity focus on healthcare


    According to a report from PricewaterhouseCoopers, increased private equity interest in healthcare is being driven by opportunities to consolidate and a growing elderly and affluent population.

  • News

    Bradshaw denies 'going cold' on use of private sector firms


    Health minister Ben Bradshaw has told HSJ he is 'puzzled' by suggestions that Labour is reneging on use of the private sector.

  • Comment

    Media Watch: for and against healthcare privatisation


    HSJ readers will be well aware of the three-month battle to get health secretary Alan Johnson off the fence and spelling out his policy on the private sector.This week that battle spilled off the pages of HSJ and the Financial Times and into The Times and The Guardian. A coincidence? ...

  • News

    Private company to announce 12 new hospital sites


    A private healthcare company will announce sites for 12 new hospitals and five 'mini polyclinics' within the next two months.

  • News

    Private sector 'jaded' over contracts


    The private sector is growing increasingly concerned that the government will row back on its plans to use independent healthcare providers to expand its NHS choice programme.

  • Leader

    Time to come clean on the private sector


    ‘The role of independent providers under Gordon Brown is one of the most opaque areas of health policy’

  • News

    Call for comparable data across care services


    All health and social care providers must publish comparable data and information, Healthcare Commission chief executive Anna Walker has said.

  • News

    PCTs assured over ICATS liability


    Primary care trusts in the North West will not have to pay out if the number of patients using privately operated clinical assessment services is lower than anticipated.NHS North West has moved to allay concerns that PCTs across the patch would be forced to pay for the integrated clinical assessment ...

  • News

    Agency docs are 'cheaper than locums'


    Agency doctors are up to £4,500 a year cheaper than locums from the NHS's own staffing bank, claims new research.

  • News

    Agencies cost less


    Agency doctors are up to£4,500 a year cheaper than locums from the NHS's own staffing bank, research claims.Independent healthcare analyst Laing and Buisson compared the cost of employing doctors through commercial recruitment agencies with hiring from NHS Professionals (NHSP), the in-house agency used by more than 60 health trusts.It found ...

  • News

    Open up primary care, says CBI


    New commercial providers such as supermarkets and pharmacies should be brought in to challenge existing poor provision in primary care, according to the Confederation of British Industry.

  • News

    One year on, the message from Nicholson is that he's listening


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson is in no doubt of the strength of staff's opposition to more change, or to their distaste for the idea of organisations competing against each other. Rebecca Evans quizzed him on what those staff can expect next

  • News

    BUPA expected to provide 'external support' for PCT


    Hillingdon primary care trust is set to name BUPA as the company it plans to use to help it commission services under the Department of Health's external commissioner list, HSJ has learned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Pioneer teams are overcoming anger


    A programme for aggression management in secure psychiatric settings trials the latest international research, reports Louise Hunt

  • Comment

    Paul Robinson on double standards


    'Both the independent sector and the NHS collect data - but different items for different purposes, making direct comparisons virtually impossible'

  • News

    NHS strikes new deal with Microsoft


    The NHS has deepened its involvement with Microsoft by renewing the enterprise agreement signed with the company in 2004 and agreeing new e-mail software.