All Independent providers articles – Page 72

  • News

    One-quarter opposed to independent Confed membership


    A quarter of NHS Confederation members are opposed to including independent providers of NHS services in its core membership, a consultation has revealed.

  • News

    Private companies to join support framework


    The Department of Health is set to announce next week the list of private companies that have won a place on the government's national framework for procuring external support for commissioners, HSJ has learned.

  • Comment

    Sophia Christie on lessons from Sweden


    One of the most distinctive characteristics of NHS trusts' work with US company Kaiser Permanente is also one of the least commented upon. Kaiser Health Plan is an insurance company in an exclusive partnership with the Permanente Medical Group, run as a profit share company for the participating partner doctors.

  • News

    Chair quits over private power


    A primary care trust chair has resigned in protest at the increasing role of the private sector in the NHS. Rochdale PCT chair Debbie Abrahams spoke to HSJ after her announcement at a public demonstration in Manchester.

  • News

    MPs find no evidence of improved value from independent treatment centres


    There is no evidence that the Department of Health's independent treatment centre programme represents value for money or performs better than the NHS, according to a damning report.

  • News

    Scotland: first privately run treatment centre signed


    Contracts were signed last week for Scotland's first privately run regional treatment centre for NHS patients.

  • News

    Care UK chief urges swift ISTC take-up


    Chief executive Mike Parish sounds a cautionary note that government must move quickly to ensure a local ownership care system takes route

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How to commission high quality, low cost health care


    The 152 new primary care trusts are tasked with becoming strategic commissioning bodies. This means they must procure a range of provision for local people, which meets their health needs and delivers health improvements, by securing the highest value for their limited money. Stating the task is easy. Delivering it ...

  • News

    Care UK buys rival provider


    Private healthcare firm Care UK has boosted its position as an NHS care provider by buying rival Mercury Health for £77m.

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    Bupa pulls out of South East diagnostics deal


    Bupa has pulled out of a contract with the Department of Health to provide NHS diagnostic services across the South East, HSJ has learned.

  • News

    Boost for social firms


    Twenty-four local social enterprise schemes have been given £1.4m of national funding to deliver community health and social care services.

  • News

    NHS vs independents: the book


    For the first time patients will be able to compare NHS services to those offered by independent providers in an updated choice manual to be published this week.

  • News

    Managers betrayed by outsourcing, says union


    The government expects private companies to form consortia to bid for places as approved commissioning support suppliers, NHS acting chief executive Sir Ian Caruthers has revealed.

  • News

    Former chief exec calls for more private beds for children


    Commissioners should make greater use of the independent sector to stop children from being placed on adult mental health wards, a former mental health trust chief executive has said.

  • News

    Good intentions could be disguising a big, bad threat


    It is the much-heralded new model for 21st century healthcare provision, but could confusion over its meaning and the lack of safeguards against manipulation leave social enterprise open to abuse from profit-makers? Helen Mooney finds out

  • News

    DoH will not limit private audiology


    The Department of Health is refusing to bow to calls to limit private sector provision of audiology services.

  • News

    Primary care trusts told to fill Atos gap


    NHS providers could struggle to fill the gap left by the collapse of a £257m diagnostics contract.

  • News

    Operating framework: PCTs to assess services


    All primary care trusts will have to conduct a service review programme next year to examine the services they commission.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Staying power: beacon sites offer some answers


    Why could US provider Kaiser provide better care at the same cost as the NHS? Why were there so many bed days in the UK? After four years of questions, writes Professor Chris Ham, beacon sites are providing answers

  • Comment

    Skilled analysts of little use to the NHS


    Do external consultants working in NHS organisations really deliver the goods? Birmingham University's Jonathan Shapiro argues that they may know how to diagnose problems, but cultural signposts pass them by