All Independent providers articles – Page 73

  • News

    Statutory control on decisions is not enough to allay fears


    All over the country, primary care trust chief executives are sitting hot and sweaty in their best suits, fighting for their future careers.

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    Air ambulance charities hope for NHS cash


    Air ambulance charities believe the NHS is ready to recognise the role they could play in improving emergency care - and that funding for improved services could be on the cards.

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    Helpline aims for foundation trust status


    NHS Direct has become a trust under the Department of Health's review of arm's-length bodies.

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    Lord Warner: PCT commissioning advert blunder 'only human'


    Health minister Lord Warner has labelled his department's hurried withdrawal of an advertisement to contract out primary care trust management services as 'unfortunate' ' but stood by the government's assertion of the need to bring in private sector commissioning experience.

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    Doubts over DoH claims about expert patients


    Claims that the expert patients programme will ease pressures on the NHS have been queried by an academic who reviewed the scheme for the Department of Health.

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    BUPA predicts £11bn hole in NHS funds


    A report commissioned by private health insurer BUPA claims the NHS should brace itself for a projected £11bn funding gap and subsequent return to 1997 levels of performance by 2015 if high levels of investment do not continue.

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    Independent providers opened up to public scrutiny


    The Healthcare Commission has launched a new web service that provides patients and the public with information about performance in independent acute hospitals, mental health units and independent sector treatment centres.Healthcare Commission chief executive Anna Walker, said: 'We want to make sure that patients have access to information about the ...

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    DoH to name preferred bidders for diagnostic scans


    The Department of Health is set to announce that it has reached preferred bidder stage on two contracts to provide NHS patients with 90 million PET/CT diagnostic scans over the next five years.Alliance Medical is preferred bidder for a contract which will cover the North of England and will provide ...

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    Operating framework: updated principles put new emphasis on dignity


    The Department of Health is consulting on a set of 10 principles to which all NHS organisations and contractors must sign up.

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    Comment: Why a US management guru has vital questions for the NHS


    'Michael Porter's book has caught the imagination of many of the most influential voices in NHS reform and has been occupying minds at the highest level throughout this year.'

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    Independent provider quality indicators put online


    Independent healthcare provider BUPA has published its clinical and service quality indicators online. The information includes infection, readmission and return to theatre rates.For more information click here

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    Peter Mason on social enterprise - the new punk rock?


    'Social enterprises have crashed onto the scene with the same energy and style as punk rockers, the new kids on the block full of passion and hope'

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    Independent centre deals abandoned


    The Department of Health is set to abandon a large swathe of its independent treatment centre programme more than a year after it invited providers to bid for the lucrative deals, HSJhas learned.

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    New role for former Audit Commission chair


    James Strachan, until recently chairman of the Audit Commission, has been appointed a non-executive director of Care UK PLC.One of the largest health and social care providers in the UK, Care UK operates 90 community-based care homes, runs a range of primary care services including GP out of hours services ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: preparing for strike action


    Managers should take heed of the first national strike to hit NHS service for 18 years to learn lessons for the future

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    LINks to get scrutiny role


    Local Involvement Networks will be given a legal right to inspect NHS, social care, voluntary and independent sector organisations, health minister Rosie Winterton said this week.

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    Push to publish clinical data


    The Department of Health is to look at ways of providing clinical outcome information for independent treatment centres. The government's response to the Commons health select committee's report on ITCs conceded that without robust information on clinical quality, patients cannot make an informed choice.

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    PCTs encouraged to embrace new providers


    Health minister Lord Warner has urged the NHS to open up family doctor services to new providers in a drive to tackle inequalities, improve access to GPs and offer patients a greater choice of practice.Speaking to primary care trust executives at the National Association of Primary Care conference he said: ...

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    Government responds to report on ITCs


    The government has published its response to the Commons health select committee's report on independent treatment centres.The committee's report criticised the role of ITCs and said their performance had been variable.In its response the Department of Health has promised to provide more information to patients on which to base their ...

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    Private finance guidance for trusts published


    New draft guidance which will help NHS trusts select, evaluate and appoint private sector bidders in private finance schemes has been published by the Department of Health.The guidance has been developed in conjunction with the Treasury, private sector contractors and managers of NHS organisations that have been through private finance ...