All Infection control articles – Page 20
HSJ Local
Western Sussex Hospitals MRSA free for 12 months
PERFORMANCE: There were no cases of hospital-acquired MRSA at Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust during 2011.
Rise in number of hospital infections
More people than ever picked up infections while spending time in hospitals last year, it has been reported.
Norovirus 'within expected levels'
The number of NHS beds closed due to norovirus-type symptoms has doubled within a week but is still within expected levels, the government has said.
Scottish hospital's infection control praised
A children’s hospital has been praised for work to protect patients, staff and visitors from the risk of infection.
Hospital infection control procedures criticised
Standard procedures to prevent the spread of infections were not implemented “consistently” in two-thirds of Scottish hospitals and NHS services inspected in the past year, a report shows today.
HSJ Local
C diff concerns for Norfolk
PERFORMANCE: Healthcare associated infections are causing concern across the NHS Norfolk and Waveney cluster, with some providers already approaching their full year targets for Clostridiun difficile.
HSJ Local
Two ‘unacceptable’ MRSA cases at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare
PERFORMANCE: Surrey and Sussex Healthcare Trust chief executive has warned staff that two MRSA cases in two weeks is “completely unacceptable”.
HSJ Local
Southend FT found in 'significant breach' by Monitor
PERFORMANCE: Southend University Hospital Foundation Trust has been found in significant breach of its FT authorisation due to governance failings on data quality and targets for cancer treatment and infection control.
HSJ Local
‘Disappointing’ infection case rise at Western Sussex
PERFORMANCE: The number of C difficile cases at Western Sussex Hospitals exceeded the in-month limit during October for the first time since April, board papers reveal.
HSJ Local
Hampshire emergency care under strain after hospital fire and vomiting outbreak
PERFORMANCE: A hospital fire and an outbreak of the norovirus is putting acute services under strain in Hampshire.
'Choosing the comfortable path is a route towards trouble'
NHS trust boards are more on the ball than they used to be, but there is much more to be done when risk management is preferred to risk prevention, writes Nigel Edwards.
HSJ Local
Bucks trust struggles on C diff
PERFORMANCE: Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust is well above its cumulative infection control target for 2011-12.
A blueprint for improving hepatitis C services in London
Hepatitis C is a growing problem in London but many sufferers are not getting the care they need. This special supplement, from Kosh Agarwal and colleagues’ at the London Joint Working Group for Substance misuse and Hepatitis C, outlines a blueprint for treating the disease.
Scottish NHS performance praised
The NHS in Scotland has significantly improved the quality and safety of its healthcare over the past year, according to a report.
HSJ Knowledge
Can hospitals fully stop airborne transmission?
Despite well establushed procedures across the healthcare sector, hospital acquired infections are still a significant threat to both patients and staff. How can hospitals address the problem further, and take a step closer to eradicating HCAIs, asks Dr Abdel Ezbiri.
HSJ Local
NHS Ealing breaches HCAI targets
PERFORMANCE: The west London primary care trust, NHS Ealing, has doubled its MRSA target and quadrupled its C difficile target for the year.
HSJ Local
Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset cluster busts C diff target
PERFORMANCE: The NHS Bournemouth and Poole and NHS Dorset cluster has exceeded its year to date clostridium difficile target by more than 30 cases.
HSJ Knowledge
How positive deviance makes a positive difference in hospitals
A case study from the US shows how “positive deviance” in internal staff members could help organisations achieve better practice on issues such as hospital acquired infections, quickly and cost-effectively. Jane Lewis explains the study.
HSJ Local
George Eliot saw 35 per cent annual drop in C difficile
PERFORMANCE: A review of the George Eliot Hospital’s infection prevention strategy for 2010-11 has shown a 35 per cent reduction in the rates of Clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea and no reported infections of MRSA bacteraemia in 2010-11.
HSJ Local
North Bristol exceeds C difficile and MSSA targets
PERFORMANCE: North Bristol Trust has exceeded its target for cases of C difficile and reached its annual limit for MRSA cases.