All Integrated care articles – Page 10
NHSE treats me like ‘a band 7’ says ICB chief
An outspoken integrated care board leader has criticised NHS England’s micromanagement, adding that it was ‘not in the make-up’ of some healthcare chiefs to collaborate.
Trusts forced to take radical steps to support GP services
Joshua Edwards elaborates on trusts’ experiences of integrating primary and secondary care through vertical integration whereby the trust owns and manages general practices, its challenges and benefits
30pc cut to ICB staffing budgets
Integrated care boards have been told to cut their running costs — most of which is their staff — by 30 per cent.
NHS needs to work with data and analysis from beyond healthcare
A cancer study that relates consumer and retail data to healthcare highlights the potential of the NHS joining forces with commercial entities to activate the behavioural data they collect and own to build better population health strategies, explains Andi Orlowski
The changing roles of NHS trust chairs
Donna Hall gives a glimpse into the lives of the leaders of trusts and elaborates the complexity of working in partnership with social care, housing, the community and voluntary sector, and other local providers
‘Territorial’ foundation trusts must be scrapped, says Hewitt review member
Foundation trusts must be scrapped to truly change the culture and behaviours within local systems, says an FT chair who is working on a government-commissioned review of integrated care systems.
How to write the perfect ICS strategy
To lose one strategy is unfortunate, to lose seven looks like carelessness. Julian Patterson reports
ICSs could drive up employment if government provides better data
The UK has a problem with economic inactivity. Research indicates that long-term sickness is to blame and, given the right data, integrated care systems could help, says Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard.
System working thrives in a culture that empowers staff to improve care
Len Richards explains how system working grows from the right culture, clinical leadership and systemwide joined up, real-time data
Thirty-five ICSs publish first ‘integrated care strategies’
Seven integrated care systems have not yet published a version of their integrated care strategy, despite government setting a deadline of the end of 2022 to do so.
Say 'hello' to Completely Blithering ICB
As the daily struggle for survival continues, it’s time to reset our strategic priorities – starting with the logo. Julian Patterson reports from the front line
HSJ Local
ICB shelves 30 primary care investments
Four planned primary care ‘hubs’ are in doubt – according to local politicians – after an integrated care system said it could not afford a large number of requested GP premises improvements.
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: Kicking the can down the road (again)
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance, and finances in the mental health sector, by correspondent Emily Townsend — contact me in confidence.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Takeover and a makeover
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
Systems to end year half a billion in deficit, NHSE admits
NHS England has admitted that integrated care systems are likely to post a combined deficit of around £600m for the current financial year.
‘Truly integrated’ service model scrapped after failure to improve care
A contract aimed at achieving a ‘truly integrated’ health and social care service is set to be terminated after six years, following concerns about accountability and performance.
Getting integration to work: is it time to stop throwing policy at the problem?
Integration fails to succeed because working cultures in the NHS and social care haven’t changed to support collaboration, say Helen Buckingham and Sarah Reed.
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: Major change and challenges for 2023
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector, by correspondent Emily Townsend — contact me in confidence.
Exclusive: Some ICSs need ‘an awful lot of central control’, says Hewitt
Some integrated care systems still require ‘an awful lot of control’ from the centre, Patricia Hewitt has told HSJ, tempering any expectations that her government-commissioned review will bring about a wholesale roll-back of national performance management.
NHS has too few managers but too many admin staff, Hewitt suggests
International comparisons suggest the NHS has too few managers but too many administrative staff, former health secretary Patricia Hewitt has claimed.