All Integrated care articles – Page 22
NHS England will demand ‘tougher’ financial savings from September
NHS England will ask health systems to make ‘tougher’ savings in the second half of the financial year, in anticipation of conversations with the Treasury about future funding.
ICSs asked for ‘fully staffed’ long covid plans by mid-July
NHS England has asked integrated care systems to develop ‘fully staffed’ long covid treatment plans in the next month, and is providing £70m to enable them to do so.
Spend big and go slow on re-organisation: the secret to fixing waiting times
As health and social care grapples with post-pandemic challenges, a look back at the effect of the original Wanless report released 20 years ago reveals some things are still the same and some radically different, writes Nicholas Timmins
ICSs and the drive to improve health and reduce inequalities
Andrew Fenton reflects on a re-energised NHS focus on health inequalities, and the vital role of ICS and place-level partnerships
HSJ Partners
Rumsfeld wisdom and the Health and Social Care Bill
Michael Rourke on what the new ICS Boards and Health Partnership Boards will look like
HSJ Local
Doyle named NHSE North West chief
NHS England and Improvement are set to appoint a GP and integrated care system leader as their new regional director for the North West.
Trust chief leaves to head ICS
The chief executive of a specialist trust in Shropshire is leaving to head up the local clinical commissioning group and integrated care system.
Revealed: Most People Board chairs are women or have minority ethnic background
Half of the chairs of the new regional People Boards are from a minority ethnic background and the majority are also female, HSJ can reveal.
HSJ Local
Large ICS to hand billions to acute ‘provider collaborative’
The provider collaborative for Greater Manchester is likely to be assigned the bulk of the area’s acute care funding, according to senior leaders in the region.
Provider collaboratives can be ‘engine room of transformation’ in ICS
Saffron Cordery shares her insights on the importance of provider collaboration and its benefits to patients, as NHS Providers launches a new project on them.
HSJ Local
CCG awards £1.6bn ‘integrated care partnership’ contract
An acute trust plans to create an integrated care partnership with a not-for-profit company after winning a £1.6bn contract for community, mental health and social care services.
Staff warn collaboration and flexibility waning after covid
Staff have warned the collaboration and flexible working achieved during covid risk being lost, in a huge and unprecedented feedback exercise for NHS England.
ICS prescribes Amazon’s Alexa to patients
An integrated care system has piloted prescribing patients Amazon devices to act as digital health assistants.
HSJ Partners
Greater Manchester - next steps in developing as an Integrated Care System
Dr Jaweeda Idoo writes that subject to legislation, ICSs should become statutory organisations as it will bring a greater degree of accountability and transparency and underpin the financial reforms we need to foster further integration
ICS asks private providers for £10,000 contributions
An integrated care system is asking independent providers on its patch to pay a substantial annual fee to fund system ‘running costs’, HSJ has learned.
CQC to focus on services where there is a ‘greater risk of a poor culture going undetected’
The Care Quality Commission has revealed a new strategy that will place more emphasis on a patient’s experience of care and seek to get a better grip on ”care settings where there’s a greater risk of a poor culture going undetected”.
HSJ Partners
Maintaining the momentum
ICSs can build on the headway made on digital during the pandemic but still need to work on some areas such as growing relationships and deciding who leads
HSJ Partners
Secure data can help provide real integrated care
To realise the full potential of technology, ICSs will need to take a person-led approach and collect the right information in a secure and orchestrated way, writes Declan Hadley
HSJ Partners
Why children with SEND should be a priority for ICSs
The needs of children must be embedded in the work of integrated care systems, with particular focus required on young people with special educational needs or disabilities, writes James Swaffield
HSJ Interactive
How ICSs can secure the best outcomes for local populations
Against the backdrop of the latest step in joining up health and care systems, an HSJ and IMPOWER roundtable discussed what ICSs can do to deliver the best outcomes for their populations