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Trusts taken to court after dropping estates firm over Grenfell link
Two NHS trusts have been taken to court after pulling out of a multimillion pound estates partnership over concerns about an estates management company’s links to a Grenfell Tower contractor.
Vanguard ups and downs: A local perspective
Nicola Longson shares her experience of setting up the Isle of Wight primary and acute care system vanguard in 2016
Workforce shortage delays mental health safety checks
The Care Quality Commission has increased pay for doctors carrying out essential safeguarding visits for mental health patients after a workforce shortage resulted in waiting time targets being missed.
Exclusive: STP told its capital demand 'highly unlikely' to be met
STP members told capital funds to transform services unlikely to be granted NHS England NHS Improvement regional directors tell leaders in Hampshire to be “significantly more conservative” The leaders of one sustainability and transformation plan have been told by NHS England and NHS Improvement it is “highly unlikely” ...
HSJ Local
Emergency care problems linked to poor relationships, finds south of England review
PERFORMANCE: A review of urgent and emergency care failures in the south of England has blamed in part an over-emphasis on incentives and contracts, at the expense of relationships.
HSJ Local
SHIP cluster on target for surplus despite QIPP shortfall
FINANCE: The Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster is expecting to hit its £16.3m surplus target, despite a £10.9m shortfall in efficiency schemes.
HSJ Local
Five directors appointed to board's Wessex team
WORKFORCE: Five director-level appointments have been made to the NHS Commissioning Board’s Wessex local area team.
HSJ Local
Isle of Wight CCG authorised
STRUCTURE: The Isle of Wight clinical commissioning group has been fully authorised by the NHS Commissioning Board.
HSJ Local
Double running costs force SHIP cluster overspend on staffing
WORKFORCE: The Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster is £772,000 over plan for total workforce costs.
HSJ Local
SHIP finance on target despite QIPP risk
FINANCE: The Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster reported a £6.82 million surplus in the first five months of 2012-13, and is expecting to achieve the £16.3m target for the full year.
Circle outlines £8bn 'NHS growth opportunity'
Private health provider Circle named 32 trusts it viewed as constituting an “NHS growth opportunity” of more than £8bn in presentation to investors last year.
HSJ Local
SHIP cluster overlooks bank holiday impact on activity levels
PERFORMANCE: Activity levels in the Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster area continue to be up on last year and higher than planned.
HSJ Local
Data difficulties hit SHIP QIPP plans
FINANCE: Efficiency savings in the Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster are reported as being on plan, despite local data problems.
HSJ Local
Bristol cluster finance director leaves post
WORKFORCE: The finance director of the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire primary care trust cluster has left.
HSJ Local
SHIP underspending on staff
WORKFORCE: The Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster is currently spending £500,000 less than planned on workforce.
SHIP cluster U-turns on Lucentis policy after price is slashed
A primary care trust cluster under the threat of legal action for recommending the use of an unlicensed drug has revoked the policy after the pharmaceutical company cut the price of the medicine.
HSJ Local
SHIP needs non-sustainable savings to hit target
FINANCE: The Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster relied on one-off savings to hit its cost reduction target for 2011-12, with emergency demand singled out as a cause for concern.
HSJ Local
SHIP PCTs miss C difficile targets
PERFORMANCE: All four primary care trusts in the Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth cluster missed their targets for C difficile infections.
HSJ Local
Concern over A&E demand in Portsmouth and Southampton
PERFORMANCE: Emergency department waiting times have been identified as a “key performance concern” by the Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster.