All ISLE OF WIGHT NHS TRUST articles – Page 5
HSJ Local
Up to eight trusts to share pathology system
Pathologists in one of England’s most advanced health economies have launched a procurement for a common IT system across laboratories at up to eight NHS trusts.
Trusts singled out for failing at 'bog standard' IT
The failure of parts of the NHS to use “bog standard” IT is undermining the case to Treasury for more technology funding, an NHS England director has said.
Vanguard ups and downs: A local perspective
Nicola Longson shares her experience of setting up the Isle of Wight primary and acute care system vanguard in 2016
Best and worst hospitals in each area for staff recommending care
A breakdown by area of acute and combined trusts performance on the NHS staff survey, according to the share of employees who would recommend their organisation for work or care.
In full: Pathology network proposals
HSJ approached the 29 pathology networks proposed by NHS Improvement to ask if local trusts had signed up. In most cases the proposed “hub” trust was able to answer on behalf of its network.
Revealed: 58 trusts admit they will miss financial plan
NHS Improvement has accepted formal revisions to the financial forecasts of almost 60 NHS trusts, according to data published today.
Exclusive: Trusts missing key Carter targets
The majority of NHS hospital trusts have failed to hit the three key efficiency targets set out in the Carter review on time, HSJ research has found.
Expert Briefing
Performance Watch: No more sticking plasters – have a transparent debate about A&E data
This week’s Performance Watch sets out some of the main issues which need addressing to bring some short term rigour back to the collection of A&E waiting time data amid justifiable concerns about its validity.
HSJ Local
Health economy to lose critical care services under CCG plans
Critical care services are set to be moved from the Isle of Wight under new plans drawn up by the health leaders on the island.
NHS Improvement abandons consultancy turnaround programme
A financial turnaround project where management consultants are sent to work with NHS trusts has been shelved by NHS Improvement, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
CCG chief retires after more than 30 years on patch
A struggling clinical commissioning group is searching for a new leader after its chief officer announced she would retire next month.
HSJ Local
NHS England hands down legal directions to island CCG
NHS England has issued legal directions to a clinical commissioning group that is struggling to deliver its savings plan.
Trusts must reduce deficits by two-thirds to hit official forecast
NHS trusts must reduce their combined monthly deficit to £107m to meet the official forecast figures in the second half of 2017-18, after recording a monthly deficit of almost £300m in the first half of the year.
HSJ Local
Deficit spirals at special measures trust
A troubled integrated trust is drawing up a three year financial plan after auditors warned it could record a deficit worth 16 per cent of its income.
HSJ Local
Trust in special measures appoints new chair
England’s only fully integrated health trust, which is in special measures, has promoted one of its non-executive directors to chair of the organisation.
Revealed: The NHS trusts falling well short of financial plans
Several acute trusts have fallen significantly short of their three month financial target, while dozens more are relying on heavily backloaded savings plans to deliver their year end plans.
HSJ Knowledge
Roundtable: How can industry play a part in boosting patient safety?
HSJ’s latest event asked panellists how the NHS’s industry partners might contribute to improving the service’s safety culture. Report by Alison Moore
Exclusive: Short tenure of 'inadequate' trust chiefs laid bare
The chief executives of trusts rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission have been in post much longer than those rated inadequate – several of whom have stayed less than a year, HSJ analysis confirms.
HSJ Local
GPs 'too tired' to work out of hours shifts
GPs in the Isle of Wight are “too tired” to staff its out of hours primary care service, commissioners have warned.
HSJ Knowledge
HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2017: Managing Long Term Conditions
Hampshire Constabulary and Isle of Wight NHS Trust with Wessex Academic Health Science Network: Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM) Project