All articles by James Illman – Page 33

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Councils to set own targets for cutting delayed transfers


    Councils will be told to set new targets for reducing social care-related delayed transfers, as part of new government measures aimed at speeding up discharge from hospital.

  • Liverpool
    HSJ Local

    Largest ever CCG merger paused for at least a year


    The biggest ever proposed clinical commissioning group merger has been paused for at least a year, the three Merseyside CCGs involved have said.

  • Clifford_Mann

    Exclusive: NHS ‘needs £100m’ social care boost to hit A&E target


    Clifford Mann says extra social care cash needs to go on DTOCs or NHS won’t meet A&E goal NHS England A&E lead says huge boost in emergency staff needed Mann urges HEE to extend emergency medicine recuitment programme NHS bosses must persuade councils to spend £100m of new ...

  • Patricia Hewitt

    Former health secretary to chair struggling STP


    Patricia Hewitt to chair Norfolk STP amid concerns about its progress Systems leaders want Ms Hewitt to “bang heads together”, says senior source STP interim chair John Fry welcomes the appointment A former health secretary has been brought in to chair Norfolk and Waveney sustainability and transformation partnership, ...

  • niall dickson

    Exclusive: Weak government will hold up service change, Dickson warns


    Niall Dickson says politicians could struggle to take “difficult decision” because of “political uncertainty” Ministers do not “sufficiently understand” scale of challenge facing NHS, says NHS Confederation chief Five Year Forward View is not deliverable in the current spending envelope, he warns Crucial NHS service change could be ...

  • ballot_box
    HSJ Local

    Election candidate calls for minor injuries unit closure and land sale


    Conservative candidate calls for MIU to be closed and land sold off Jackie Doyle-Price said new facilities would need to be put in place before any closure Move would be controversial in area already set to consult on major A&E restructure A Conservative election candidate in Essex has ...

  • Beverley Bryant

    Exclusive: Top NHS director quits to join private firm


    NHS Digital board member Beverley Bryant to leave for private sector role Bryant’s exit is second top level NHS Digital departure in five months Bryant to join System C & Graphnet Care Alliance NHS Digital senior director Beverley Bryant is set to leave the organisation for a private ...

  • Beverley Bryant

    New NHS Digital boss urged not to ‘divert from current track’


    Bryant advises incoming chief ‘not to re-invent what has already been agreed’ New chief will need to learn to navigate ‘bonkers’ relationships with other system leaders System requires ‘stability of message, policy and strategy’, says Bryant An outgoing senior NHS Digital director has urged the body’s new chief ...

  • Breast cancer radiology
    HSJ Local

    Cancer services hit by raft of senior resignations


    Three senior oncology resignations create ‘significant risk’ at Mid Essex The three Essex acute trusts launch wider review of cancer provision across their health economy Trust has ‘stabilised’ service in ‘the short term with agency locums’ A general hospital’s oncology department has been hit by three senior resignations ...

  • hospital_bed_ward_patient.jpg

    Unprecedented winter bed pressure revealed in new stats


    Bed occupancy hits record high, as overall bed numbers across NHS continue to decline Royal College of Surgeons says data is “exceptionally worrying” Acute bed numbers have however risen slightly overall on last year Acute bed occupancy hit a record high in the final quarter of 2016-17, while ...

  • Tracy Dowling
    HSJ Local

    CCG chief officer leaving to lead foundation trust


    Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG chief to head up mental health and community care trust Tracy Dowling replaces Aidan Thomas who is retiring in the summer Ms Dowling is also accountable officer of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough STP Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group chief officer Tracy Dowling is leaving ...

  • Basildon Hospital

    Hospital group launches review over 'higher than expected' mortality


    South Essex trusts launch mortality review to address ‘higher than expected’ rates Basildon also carries out review following ‘sustained rise’ since 2014-15 ‘nadir’ Group MD ‘not concerned’ by Basildon rise, but warns group improvement will ‘take time’ Three Essex acute trusts establishing a new “group” model to run ...

  • Carer with elderly man

    Tories will target NHS weekend discharge rates


    Discharge rates should be ‘at a similar’ level at weekends as on weekdays, says Tory manifesto Policy continues direction of travel set out by seven day services agenda Senior expert warns policy would require substantial additional resource New targets for NHS trusts to discharge emergency admissions “at a ...

  • Barts Health NHS Trust

    Operations and services disrupted as cyber attack fallout persists


    Patients warned of further disruption and cancellations as group of large providers grapple with cyber attack fallout Jeremy Hunt says it is “encouraging” that there had not yet been a “second spike” of attacks Government’s COBRA committee meeting on Monday evening to discuss further action Several major ...

  • Emergency, service redesign, A&E

    Emergency admissions and delayed transfers grow despite national efforts


    Analysis shared with HSJ reveals emergency admissions rose 2.8 per cent in 2016-17 to 4.3 million The 370,102 admissions via emergency departments in March was a record high Delayed transfers of care data for March revealed it was the second highest month on record The number of hospital ...

  • United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust makes key board appointments


    United Lincolnshire medical director joins Worcestershire Acute Hospitals New interim finance director seconded from local mental health trust Trust was put back in special measures last month United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust has appointed new interim medical and finance directors this month, its latest board papers confirm.

  • Grantham Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Struggling A&E to remain shut overnight


    United Lincolnshire Hospitals extends Grantham A&E overnight closure for at least three more months Trust insists it plans to fully reopen A&E when “safe” to do so Independent Reconfiguration Panel due to announce if it will investigate trust’s decision The overnight closure of a struggling emergency unit has ...

  • accident and emergency ward

    Revealed: New A&E scorecard to launch 'as early as June'


    System leaders want new measure to factor in issues such as acuity and patient experience as well as waiting times HSJ understands many of the details are still to be finalised Four hour waiting target will remain the priority A new accident and emergency scorecard to rate hospitals’ ...

  • Philip hammond

    Exclusive: Social care £2bn won't get NHS through winter, ministers warned


    Budget pledge to ease pressure on NHS by injecting cash into social care will fail, health chiefs warn Extra cash will largely plug existing social care budget gaps rather than supporting NHS discharges Tory source rejected that funding would not help NHS, stating cash was contingent on councils showing ...

  • Sally_Morris
    HSJ Local

    New merger trust sets out five year savings plan


    New Essex mental health provider must deliver £43m of savings over next five years Essex Partnership University FT focusing on back office shake-up ahead of major service reconfiguration Trust has a £8.6m control total for 2017-18 Essex’s new mental health provider trust must deliver £43m of savings over ...