All articles by James Illman – Page 37

  • David prior

    Government review reveals plan to speed NHS innovations uptake


    Four years can be cut off up to estimated 12 years it takes to get some innovative treatments to patients, says review Transformation will require investment, including in ‘new, strengthened’ AHSNs An ‘accelerated access partnership’ should bring together key national health bodies Recommendations also include call for new NHS ...

  • Cambridge

    Exclusive: Private firm quits high profile £120m NHS development


    Ramsay Healthcare UK pulls out of high profile building project Firm was due to run a 90 bed private hospital on the new complex Partnership with Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust announced in 2013 Ramsey’s decision to withdraw was taken shortly after the EU referendum A private healthcare ...

  • Heart monitor
    HSJ Local

    Trust in special measures after safety and leadership failings


    Princess Alexandra Hospital rated inadequate and placed in special measures CQC highlights serious concerns around patient safety, leadership and failure to hit key targets Inspectors says leadership could not “clearly articulate vision for trust” The Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust, which has long struggled against key performance targets, has ...

  • Nick Hulme

    STP to appoint new chair


    Suffolk STP footprint searching for chair days before submission deadline for plans Nick Hulme to remain as STP’s senior responsible officer Chair deemed necessary in light of Mr Hulme’s role as chief executive of two trusts in the patch The Suffolk and north east Essex sustainability and transformation ...

  • Woman looking at smartphone

    First digital health providers inspected by CQC


    CQC publishes first pilot inspections of digital GP providers Full primary care digital provider inspections to begin next April NHS is seeking to push significant number of GP contacts to digital channels Former Circle chief Ali Parsa’s new venture Babylon one of first to get green light The ...

  • European flag

    Hunt warned over rhetoric on foreign doctors


    NHS Improvement chair Ed Smith intervenes in Brexit debate He warns overseas staff must not be left feeling “demoralised and diminished” Letter follows Jeremy Hunt’s announcement to make NHS “self-sufficient” in doctors Patient safety could be put at risk if overseas staff are left feeling “demoralised and diminished” ...

  • Harpal Kumar

    New CCG ratings: Over 85 per cent failing on cancer performance


    Controversial “Ofsted style” ratings suggest 180 out of the 209 CCGs are failing on cancer performance Just seven CCGs rated “top performing”, while 22 rated as “performing well” Over 85 per cent of clinical commissioning groups are failing to hit required standards on cancer performance and must ...

  • Grantham Hospital
    HSJ Local

    A&E night closure sees two patients a night sent elsewhere


    Early data from controversial move suggests average of just two patients a night needed transporting to alternative A&E, says trust Night closure of Grantham unit resulted in admissions being reduced from 14 to 12 per day, trust says Royal College of Emergency Medicine says trust took “appropriate measures” ...

  • Handshake
    HSJ Local

    South East trusts target April merger


    Two Essex mental health trusts set out merger timetable Organisation will have new name: Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust Trusts will discuss final business case in November before regulators scrutinise deal Two Essex mental health trusts are aiming to merge by April under a new name, according to ...

  • Technology jpg

    Landmark patient data probe sparks 'serious concerns'


    NHS accused of wrongly sharing hospital data of 1.2m patients Privacy group says NHS’s hospital data does not comply with anonymisation standards NHS Digital says it does comply with standards Researchers raise “serious concerns” about impact on life saving studies The UK’s data watchdog is set to make ...

  • Older woman in wheelchair

    CCG and advisers accuse each other over £750m contract collapse


    Review lays bare chaotic process which led to £750m contract collapse Cambridgeshire CCG and its advisers blame each other for failure on key issues Concerns raised about process and budget set by CCG to deliver deal NHS England says it will scrutinise big contracts more closely in future ...

  • USBs

    NHS Digital grapples with 1.2 million patient data breaches


    NHS Digital still unable to respect data preferences of patients from 51 GP surgeries NHS Digital must contact 1.2 million patients before 19 October to tell them their confidential data may have been shared against their wishes More than a third of organisations that received unauthorised NHS data ...

  • Emergency department

    Trusts allowed to miss 2016-17 targets in 'rare' cases


    Planning guidance says trusts will be allowed to miss targets if due to “exceptional” reasons But they will need to be back on track by 2017-18 Permission will only be granted in “exceptional circumstances” Trusts will be allowed to miss performance targets this year if it was a ...

  • 586_Andrew_Lansley.jpg

    Lansley: NHS should get £5bn Brexit bonus by 2019


    Lansley calls for NHS windfall post Brexit during keynote address Former health sectary attacks ‘nakedly political’ BMA over ‘unethical’ strike action He robustly defends his reforms stating much of criticism is ‘demonstrably false’ NHS spending should be set at a minimum of 7 per cent of GDP The ...

  • James_Ilman

    Analysis: Wachter response must not ignore the digitally challenged


    The Wachter review has rightly been praised for its bold statements on timetables and funding – and its pragmatism - but a robust plan is still needed for digitally-challenged and non-acute trusts, writes James Illman

  • Beverley Bryant

    Not prioritising cash for tech laggards is 'right'


    Beverley Bryant backs plans to switch funding priorities and push back digital deadline to 2023 Leading trusts will bring others with them, Ms Bryant says NHS Digital director sets out priorities including plans to parachute 100 “business change” staff to NHS organisations Pledges to make NHS Digital “relevant” and ...

  • Cambridge

    Trust chiefs deny 'low-balling' bid before major contract collapse


    UnitingCare providers deny making a knowingly unrealistic bid for £750m contract Trusts, NHS England and CCG accuse previous provider of not being transparent over the service costs Previous provider Cambridgeshire Community Services Trust robustly rejects charge NHS trusts involved in the UnitingCare debacle have denied making a deliberately ...

  • Simon Stevens

    New rules to follow £750m contract debacle and Brexit


    There will be a new “checklist” for CCGs and assurance process for providers involved in big contracts Simon Stevens suggests Brexit could offer opportunity to change procurement rules Strategic Projects Team was disbanded because NHS England was “not satisfied with the quality of their work” System leaders are ...

  • Hinchingbrooke Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Hinchingbrooke names private partner for £150m building project


    Plan says “strategic estates partnership” could secure £5m of recurrent income by letting property and managing land use Trust is seeking approval from Treasury and NHS Improvement Strategic estates partnerships are being closely watched by ministers as means for delivering NHS capital project A district general hospital has ...

  • A big pile of paperwork

    NHS chiefs step away from 2020 paperless target


    Matthew Swindells says there would not be a “whole lot of complaining” if 2020 target is missed, but hit by 2023 Comments follow Wachter review calling for “unrealistic” 2020 target to be dropped Jeremy Hunt sets out phased approach for digital strategy, with initial funding focus on high fliers ...