All articles by James Illman – Page 39

  • Innovation and technology

    Exclusive: NHS England to appoint CCIO


    NHS England recruiting another substantial senior appointment Move follows call from senior government adviser to beef up CCIO role across NHS CCIO is one of three new roles which are part of significant restructure of NHS England’s tech team NHS England is looking to recruit a chief clinical ...

  • Petrie dishes

    Host trust quits financially 'fragile' NHS pathology venture


    Cambridge University Hospitals pulls out of flagship pathology project it was hosting Trust faces £5m bill to extricate itself from The Pathology Partnership Cambridge says partnership lost £15m last year, costing trust £3.7m Partnership insists it will “evolve” A flagship NHS joint venture has been left reeling after ...

  • Computer data

    CCG rents overhaul mired in data problems


    NHS Property Services’ data problems stall new billing arrangements for CCG estates Overall CCG rent bill will rise in future years because of move to market rents Finance director says implementation is being “botched” NHS Property Services says it has “clear plan” to address problems Commissioners remain locked ...

  • Cambridge
    HSJ Local

    Former King’s chief to head up Cambridge AHSC


    Cambridge University Health Partners has appointed Malcolm Lowe-Lauri executive director The former King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust CEO will join on 1 August Mr Lowe-Lauri is currently working for KPMG is Australia Cambridge’s academic health science centre has appointed a former chief executive of King’s College Hospital Foundation ...

  • Basildon Hospital

    Revealed: Funding for each success regime area


    Funding for success regimes largely spent on consultants, legal advice and establishing small core programme teams Sources tell HSJ funding is welcome but “modest” compared to challenges the areas face NHS England has allocated just over £20m to the three areas in the national success regime programme to ...

  • Paul rice

    NHS England director admits 'work to do' to fix STP and digital plans mismatch


    Senior NHS England director says work needed to align STP and local digital roadmap areas Comments follow warnings that digital roadmap plans could become “sideshow” to STPs A senior NHS England director has said work needs to be done to align the “mismatch” between the geographical areas covered ...

  • Ipad

    NHS England recruiting for new senior digital role


    National commissioner recruiting for a new “director of digital experience” Move is latest step of a substantial restructure of NHS England’s senior technology team following departure of Tim Kelsey The director will report to a new chief information and technology officer NHS England are recruiting for a new ...

  • Houses of Parliament

    Government planning major intervention in NHS finances


    Stevens says there will be an announcement in July on a “re set” of NHS funding Final, compulsory, control totals will also be published next month NHS England chief executive warns it would not be prudent to assume any extra NHS funding in the “next several years” The ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens: Give any extra funding to social care over NHS


    There is “strong argument” to prioritise funding for social care rather than NHS, says Simon Stevens NHS England chief warns it would not be prudent to assume any extra NHS funding in the “next several years” There will be an announcement in July on “re-set” of NHS funding ...

  • Liz Mear

    AHSNs have future beyond 2018, says network chair


    Academic health science networks have NHS England’s support to continue after their five year licences expire in March 2018, a senior figure has told HSJ.

  • Technology optimal

    Search for new NHS England tech chief extended


    NHS England fails to secure appointment to new role after first round of interviews Four candidates interviewed for chief information and technology officer but no appointment made The CTIO will report to Matthew Swindells and not be on the board NHS England has extended its search for a ...

  • George Freeman

    Minister calls for end to 'apartheid' between NHS and private sector


    George Freeman calls for deeper relationship between NHS and private sector There needs to be “a debate about how we fund healthcare”, he says There is a “quiet revolution” in which patients are being allowed by technology to take “responsibility” for their care Floats idea of local areas being ...

  • HM_Treasury

    Dorrell warns health and care service will need more cash


    Former health secretary says current funding formula for the health and social care does not work NHS Confederation chair says discussion over “quantum and structure” of funding will be needed “over coming months” Stephen Dorrell also reveals confederation is talking to Local Government Association about “deeper relationship” The ...

  • Stephen Dorrell

    Exclusive: 'Blackmail' over control totals could undermine STPs, leaders warn


    Stephen Dalton and Stephen Dorrell say national leaders risk derailing STPs by trying to “blackmail” local NHS bodies Control totals criticised as “old money” strategy NHS Confederation leaders say STPs are a “cornerstone” of NHS planning and delivery process National leaders risk derailing the sustainability and transformation planning ...

  • Surgery
    HSJ Local

    CCGs: Hospital trust should lose major services


    Bedford should be stripped of obstetrics and majority of emergency surgical care, review recommends Senior figure says Bedford clinicians have “mixed feelings” about removal of obstetrics Proposal is latest stage of protracted efforts to reconfigure services across Bedford and Milton Keynes If proposals are rubberstamped they would go to ...

  • Robert Wachter

    Major NHS digital review delayed


    Publication of Robert Wachter’s review pushed back due to scheduling issues Digital health expert to emphasis need to shake up chief clinical information officer role in speech next week Publication of a flagship review of the NHS’s digital capabilities due this month has been delayed, HSJ has learned.

  • Simon Stevens

    Delayed care transfers to continue for years, Stevens warns


    NHS England chief executive tells MPs problems with care transfers unlikely to subside in the next few years Simon Stevens rejects NAO estimate that delayed transfers cost the NHS £820m Stevens: NHS takeovers of adult social care services will not work everywhere DH social care chief says there are ...

  • NHS_Norfolk_Norwich
    HSJ Local

    Watchdog sends troubleshooter to Norfolk trust


    Financial turnaround director sent into Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals Director will help develop short term recovery plan and help implement the plan Move is part of new NHS Improvement financial improvement programme Trust forecasting a £14.4m deficit for 2015-16 as of March APPOINTMENT: NHS Improvement has ...

  • Prof David Fish

    Regulators warned over 'mixed messages' to success regime


    UCLPartners boss sets out concerns to Jim Mackey after experience with Essex success regime Sir David Fish cites unrealistic targets and insufficient central support for areas driving major reconfiguration Warns regulators that “old style” approaches would hamper collaboration However, he says he is “very impressed” with recent changes made ...

  • Peterborough City Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Cambridgeshire trusts could merge by 2017


    Peterborough and Hinchingbrooke to consider merging by April 2017 Outline business case says merging would deliver £9m savings a year The recommendation will be discussed by both trust boards next week Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals Foundation Trust and Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust will consider a merger of the ...