All articles by James Illman – Page 40

  • Data protection

    Up to 1.5m opt out of, new data suggests


    HSCIC publishes fresh data on people opting out of Data reveals wide variety in opt out rates across country Campaigners say it is further evidence of botched rollout Up to 1.5 million people have registered to opt out of the controversial programme, requesting their records ...

  • Colchester Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Troubled trust to appoint new chief executive and chair


    HSJ understands CEO and chair from neighbouring Ipswich Hospital are to replace incumbents at Colchester The duo will retain their Ipswich roles, it is understood Move follows regulators announcing trusts were to form a new “long term partnership” If confirmed, Ipswich CEO would become fifth chief at Colchester in ...

  • Computers

    NHS warned it is not taking hacking threat seriously enough


    There is a lack of understanding about cyber security at board level, Kingsley Manning warns Cyber attacks are “a fundamental threat to the operations of hospitals” System overall is “well ahead of the game” NHS organisations are not taking the threat of cyber attacks seriously enough, the Health ...

  • Kingsley Manning

    Exclusive: Departing boss blames leadership for tech woes


    Outgoing information centre chair reveals frustrations Criticises the impact of Tim Kelsey, former NHS England tech leader New NHS England technology officer will add to “multi-headed hydra” of decision makers Says HSCIC has been transformed from “weak link to a fundamental asset” Muddled leadership, competing agendas and a ...

  • Clare Panniker
    HSJ Local

    Top hospital chief takes on leadership of second trust


    Panniker becomes latest NHS chief to take over second trust She will become chief of both Basildon and Mid Essex Move follows other senior chief executives taking over leadership of other trusts STRUCTURE: Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals Foundation Trust’s well-regarded chief executive Clare Panniker is to ...

  • Colchester Hospital

    Colchester told to partner with local trust or face failure regime


    Colchester trust told it risks being put in the failure regime, which could result in its liquidation CQC says its services are unsafe and patients are at risk of harm Regulators say trust must form a “long term partnership” with Ipswich to “secure services” CQC has no confidence in ...

  • Beverley Bryant

    NHS England clarifies tech funding position


    £500m of the £1.8bn earmarked for making NHS paperless by 2020 will go on existing contracts set up under the National Programme for IT NHS England director confirms amount of new, unallocated money is £1.3bn Beverley Bryant also reveals £119m of funding for tech projects will be available this ...

  • Innovation and technology

    Exclusive: Official index reveals tech leaders and laggards


    New assessment gives clearest picture yet of NHS’s digital maturity, experts tell HSJ HSJ analysis shows overall scores for all trusts on digital index NHS England warns against using data as a league table A new NHS England assessment of “digital maturity” across the NHS lays bare significant ...

  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, University Hospitals Birmingham FT

    Revealed: First digital maturity index scores in full


    This is a full list of trusts’ scores on the new digital maturity index, based on HSJ analysis of NHS England data.

  • Mouse_computer_work

    Cyber security plans outlined amid 'mounting concern' of attacks


    Information centre to discuss raft of cyber security proposals Proposals include call for central contingency fund to deal with a system-wide security incident There is “mounting concern” among experts about cyber attacks on patient data, report says The Health and Social Care Information Centre will this week consider ...

  • Technology

    Exclusive: NHS England sets core digital targets


    Local areas to be set 10 core digital targets to hit by 2018 Targets set out in draft guidance on local digital roadmaps, seen by HSJ Questions still remain around £1.8bn funding pot for paperless ambitions and how it will be allocated NHS England has set out 10 ...

  • Computers
    HSJ Local

    Send patients to other trusts to avoid IT rollout 'turmoil', says tech chief


    Hospitals rolling out large IT projects could send some patients to other trusts during “go live”, chief clinical information officer suggests Cambridge FT director admits Epic implementation threw it into “turmoil” But he says system is now driving benefits and he wants others to learn from the trust ...

  • southend hospital

    Hospital shuts beds after CQC raises staffing ratio concerns


    Hospital forced into temporary bed closures after CQC raises concerns about staff shortages Trust also pledged “immediate action” on stroke services to ensure they are safe The trust is offering “golden handshake incentives” for newly qualified nurses in bid to secure more staff PERFORMANCE: Southend University Hospital Foundation ...

  • Clare Panniker
    HSJ Local

    'Lead chief executive' of unprecedented trusts network revealed


    Clare Panniker will head new leadership team running three Essex trusts The financially challenged trusts have combined revenues of £840m Providers need to implement substantial reconfiguration of acute services The work is part of the mid and south Essex success regime Clare Panniker, the chief executive of Basildon ...

  • Hinchingbrooke Hospital

    Monitor 'pushing hard for Hinchingbrooke merger by April 2017'


    Regulator “pushing hard” for Peterborough and Stamford to acquire Hinchingbrooke Concerns raised about speed at which Monitor wants a deal done for the two financially challenged trusts Monitor’s timetable could lead to “rushed and acrimonious” merger, says senior source Local MP has opposed idea of merger Monitor is ...

  • Neil Modha
    HSJ Local

    Join up scrutiny to avoid another UnitingCare, says CCG lead


    Join up scrutiny of CCGs and providers to get more “holistic” picture, says Cambridgeshire CCG lead Neil Modha’s comments follow publication of audit into how £725m flagship deal collapsed Dr Modha says CCG gave NHS England “all the information” about UnitingCare deal before it went live REGULATION: The ...

  • Cambridge

    CCGs could face tighter scrutiny when tendering big contracts


    NHS England probe into UnitingCare collapse likely to recommend “proactive assurance” around large contracts Regional director suggested the £725m deal structure was too complicated NHS England probe will give a “definitive answer” on Strategic Projects Team’s role in the deal Monitor director says regulator wanted more time to sign ...

  • Technology jpg

    Ambitious patient record sharing project secures IT partner


    Connected Care project appoints IT integration specialists Project aims to share care records across seven CCG areas with 855,000 population Commissioners say shared record will drive “transformational” change Commissioners have brought in a specialist IT firm to integrate all the patient care record systems across Berkshire, as part ...

  • Basildon Hospital

    Mid and south Essex faces £216m deficit by 2019


    Projected deficit more than double the £94m forecast for 2015-16 System leaders insist health economy can be balanced by March 2019 Crucial details on service cuts yet to be finalised Mid and south Essex faces a £216m deficit by 2018-19, but system leaders insist the health economy can ...

  • Jim mackey

    Jim Mackey warns against 'trendy' transformation plans


    STP plans must not rely on new organisational models, says Jim Mackey He cites collapsed £800m contract as example of what not to do Leaders selected to head up STPs by local areas may also be changed Local NHS organisations have been warned against building their sustainability and ...