All articles by Jeremy Davies – Page 2

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    Chief encounter


    trust performance

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    Local and large


    primary care trusts

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    Between the lines


    hsj event: HSJ 's Governance Game could give managers the inside track on developing managed clinical networks, says Jeremy Davies

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    Going round in circles


    NHS communications: The NHS is spending millions on employing hundreds of extra communications staff. Is this anything more than the latest attempt at news management? Jeremy Davies investigates

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    Centre forward


    Is the NHS facing too much interference from the centre? Jeremy Davies asks five leading health service figures

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    Rescue remedies


    ambulance services: It is all change in the ambulance service. Ambulance trust managers tell Jeremy Davies what this means for them

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    A question of culture


    doctors in management : Jeremy Davies canvasses the wards and the offices

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    Independent thought


    THE SECTOR: IN PROFILE The independent sector is bigger than many imagine. Now changes are afoot that might also open the doors to European healthcare providers. Jeremy Davies reports

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    Rules of engagement


    REGULATING MANAGERS: Should managers be regulated in the same way as other healthcare professionals? Institute of Healthcare Management chief executive Stuart Marples argues in favour, and Jeremy Davies finds out other managers'views

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    Waste not , want not


    human resources

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    The seven-year hitch


    The government's proposed clampdown on new consultants doing private work was a last-minute addition to the NHS plan, and the determination to implement it came as a further surprise. Jeremy Davies explains

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    On short rations


    As the roll-call of NICE-approved drugs gets longer, health authorities are under increasing pressure to juggle budgets. Jeremy Davies reports

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    Finders, keepers


    Can the UK's largest employer solve acute staffing shortages in all sectors? Jeremy Davies reports

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    Ribbon development


    With still no sign of the government's long-awaited HIV strategy, and downward pressure on funding, campaigners are losing patience. Jeremy Davies reports

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    Strawberry fields for ever


    The oldest non-executive director in the country, Sir Sidney Hamburger has devoted his career to the staunch support of the NHS. Jeremy Davies reports

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    Take that


    Pharmacists may at last claim their rightful place in the health delivery landscape, thanks to the NHS plan. Jeremy Davies reports

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    Putting the clock back


    Will the government's flexible retirement initiative have any effect on the NHS's entrenched staffing problems? Jeremy Davies reports

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    All change


    There's a lot more to a practice manager's job than meets the eye. Jeremy Davies looks at research into this chameleon-like profession which found stark differences in pay, conditions and roles

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    The devil is in the detail


    Workforce planning in the NHS has always lacked cohesion and been dominated by sectional interests. Now the government plans a complete overhaul, writes Jeremy Davies

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    Cost a packet


    Theories on the causes of rocketing generic drug costs are numerous, but are there as many solutions, asks Jeremy Davies