All Jeremy Hunt articles – Page 27

  • European flag

    Hunt warned over rhetoric on foreign doctors


    NHS Improvement chair Ed Smith intervenes in Brexit debate He warns overseas staff must not be left feeling “demoralised and diminished” Letter follows Jeremy Hunt’s announcement to make NHS “self-sufficient” in doctors Patient safety could be put at risk if overseas staff are left feeling “demoralised and diminished” ...

  • Theresa May

    Theresa May: Conservatives are the 'party of the NHS'


    Theresa May says Conservatives are “the party of the NHS” and Labour have “abandoned the centre ground” Praises Jeremy Hunt as “passionate advocate” for patients and NHS staff in first conference speech as prime minister PM says Conservatives have backed the Five Year Forward View and given service more ...

  • Harpal Kumar

    New CCG ratings: Over 85 per cent failing on cancer performance


    Controversial “Ofsted style” ratings suggest 180 out of the 209 CCGs are failing on cancer performance Just seven CCGs rated “top performing”, while 22 rated as “performing well” Over 85 per cent of clinical commissioning groups are failing to hit required standards on cancer performance and must ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Catch up: Jeremy Hunt's conference speech - coverage and reaction


    Jeremy Hunt addresses doctor training, mental health, junior doctors’ strike in conference speech

  • Shaun Lintern

    Analysis: The magical thinking of Hunt's medical training move


    Jeremy Hunt’s commitment of around £100m to increase annual medical training numbers by 25 per cent is a keenly political move. He is fresh from the battlefield with the British Medical Association, and needs to make an impact in a post-Brexit referendum world.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt pledges £100m to make NHS 'self-sufficient' in doctors


    Health secretary Jeremy Hunt is set to announce a 25 per cent expansion in the number of funded medical student places from 2018 in a bid to make the NHS less reliant on overseas recruitment.

  • David Williams
    Expert Briefing

    What’s new in care models: The NHS’s first accountable care organisation?


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern’s Risk Register: Going, going but not yet gone


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Updated: Hunt acted lawfully over junior doctors' contract, court rules


    Junior doctors lose legal case to stop new contract Judge rules health secretary’s decision was “within the scope of his lawful powers” Jeremy Hunt criticised for “loose” language during contract dispute Jeremy Hunt acted lawfully in his decision to press ahead with the new junior doctors’ contract, a ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    Junior doctors strike action called off


    Junior doctor strike action which was planned for the next three months has been suspended, the British Medical Association announced this evening. 

  • Beverley Bryant

    Not prioritising cash for tech laggards is 'right'


    Beverley Bryant backs plans to switch funding priorities and push back digital deadline to 2023 Leading trusts will bring others with them, Ms Bryant says NHS Digital director sets out priorities including plans to parachute 100 “business change” staff to NHS organisations Pledges to make NHS Digital “relevant” and ...

  • Richard Taunt

    We need emotional humans, not employee automatons


    NHS staff need a sense of psychological safety in order to overcome the fear to question, take risks and fail

  • Microscope
    HSJ Local

    Trust to receive millions as mental health research centre


    Oxford Health FT and Oxford University named second mental health biomedical research centre Announcement part of £816m investment in medical research by DH Cash will be split between 20 research centres with Oxford set to receive £12.8m A foundation trust has been named the country’s second mental health ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Exclusive: Hunt's 'avoidable deaths' data subject to major delays


    High profile commitment to publish trust level avoidable deaths data subject to major delay Original tender for national work was not awarded and alternative project will not begin until next year Department of Health and NHS Improvement declined to provide a timeline for trust level data A high ...

  • Rob findlay cutout 3x2

    Junior doctors' strikes - the effect on waiting times


    Junior doctors’ strikes mean a loss of elective activity and a rise in waiting times, but don’t go blaming them for the continued breach of “18 weeks”.

  • Robert Wachter

    Wachter tells ministers: Discard 'unrealistic' 2020 IT target


    Ministers urged to ditch “unrealistic” paperless NHS by 2020 target Wachter review warns significantly more money required to achieve a digital NHS Wachter tells HSJ he recognised political issue in calling for more funding but that Jeremy Hunt had been “extremely supportive” of review Review sets out a roadmap ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt names 12 'digital excellence' trusts in line for funding


    Twelve trusts will receive funding of up to £10m each to fast track digital innovation Twenty more trusts to receive up to £5m to act as national digital champions Initiative comes as response to Wachter review published today Jeremy Hunt is today due to name 12 trusts that ...

  • Medical records

    Patient data consent model 'to be launched in March'


    Draft plan includes targets for key projects including the use and sharing of confidential patient data It said patient consent model will be developed by March 2017 Patients should get access to wi-fi across NHS estate by March 2019, it said NHS Digital said plans were published in error ...

  • BMA picket line

    BMA calls off next week's junior doctors strike


    WORKFORCE: The British Medical Association has suspended next week’s planned strike action, after being told by NHS England that services “cannot cope with the notice period” that was given.

  • Sir David Dalton

    David Dalton disputes BMA claim on seven day services


    DH releases confidential documents from Acas talks showing BMA was offered detailed statement on seven day services Statement including pledge for more clinical staff and that focus of seven day services would be emergency care only Sir David Dalton said the BMA asked for the statement not to be ...