All Jeremy Hunt articles – Page 34

  • Computer

    £400m of transformation fund ‘ringfenced’ for tech boost


    NHS England director sets out details on where tech funding boost is coming from £400m of transformation funding “ringfenced” for technology projects Follows Jeremy Hunt announcing £1.8bn for paperless NHS goal No new money for the NHS from the Treasury At least £400m of NHS transformation funding has ...

  • Jeremy Hunt 2014

    Exclusive poll: Public blames government for latest strike


    Public blames government for industrial action continuing into second month Two-thirds of public still back junior doctors, but opposition has grown since January Over 65s least supportive of junior doctors; 25-34 year olds most supportive The public blames the government for the junior doctors’ industrial action continuing into ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    Last ditch talks try to stop junior doctors' strike


    NHS Employers confirms talks have taken place with the British Medical Association to try to avert strike Junior doctors are due to walk out for 24 hours from 8am tomorrow but emergency care will be provided NHS England estimates almost 3,000 inpatient and daycase procedures will be cancelled ...

  • Innovation and technology

    'Flip' incentives to get NHS using tech, says US digital guru


    Finding ways to encourage digital adoption is one of “fundamental challenges” for Robert Wachter’s digital review American “meaningful use” programme has been “mostly successful but still flawed” US digital health expert Professor Robert Wachter has said finding ways to change the financial and regulatory incentives in the NHS ...

  • Robert Wachter

    Exclusive: Government tech review to shake-up clinical leadership


    US digital health expert outlines his preliminary thinking about his review exclusively to HSJ Professor Wachter is discussing a shakeup of the role of NHS chief clinical information officers He indicates there is a need for changes to financial and regulatory incentives The US digital health expert advising ...

  • Robert Wachter

    Profile: Bob Wachter, the digital doctor and NHS devotee


    Jeremy Hunt asked Professor Wachter to review the NHS after reading his book, The Digital Doctor Wachter says doing review is “an amazing once in a lifetime opportunity” He also focuses on patient safety, quality and health policy issues Bob Wachter is professor and interim chair of the ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt says £1.8bn will be spent on 'paper free NHS'


    Hunt announces £1.8bn of funding earmarked to “create a paper free NHS” Appears to be an increase on £1bn over five years allocated in last year’s spending review The announcement involves no new money for health overall Details of the source of the funding and plans for spending it ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Government to act on every Carter recommendation


    Government endorses “all” of Lord Carter’s recommendations NHS Improvement says it “fully supports” the efficiency review Finance chiefs welcome the report but urge caution over implementation Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has backed Lord Carter’s review into NHS efficiency, and said the government “will act upon all his recommendations”.

  • David Cameron

    Fifteen trusts asked to pay executives more than prime minister


    Fifteen trusts applied for permission to pay an executive more than the prime minister Providers must get Treasury approval for salaries above £142,500 NHS Improvement leaders say finding the right managers is biggest problem facing providers Fifteen trusts have applied for permission to pay at least one board ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    Updated: Junior doctors to strike for 24 hours next week


    BMA to strike for 24 hours next Wednesday after contract talks fail Doctors will walk out from 8am but will now provide emergency care BMA says good progress was made with Sir David Dalton but government refused to recognise Saturdays as different to weekdays Junior doctors will strike ...

  • News

    Royal colleges wade into junior contract talks


    Six royal colleges and 15 medical associations warn of “long term damage” without negotiated deal Private letter sent in support of a deal as Acas talks continue Government warned against spreading resources “more thinly” Both sides in the junior doctors’ contract dispute have been urged to reach a ...

  • Jeremy Hunt 2014

    Hunt: Families have 'too many choices' in urgent care


    Remarks follow a report into the death of a child from sepsis One-year old William Mead died following repeated contacts with GP, out of hours and NHS 111 services Hunt also pledges to review clinical cover in 111 services Jeremy Hunt has said there are “too many choices” ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens: 'Specialised services need additional investment'


    NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens told Jeremy Hunt specialised services were unaffordable in their current form, papers released today reveal.

  • Technology

    Hunt’s digital guru assembles multinational review team


    Professor Robert Wachter to prepare NHS digital review to be published this summer US based expert understood to have recruited team with broad range of expertise from UK, US and Europe Advisers expected to include David Brailer, who was the first US national coordinator for health, and Sir David ...

  • Pete thomond 2016

    Taking staff on a journey


    A new year’s resolution for every leader who wants to achieve financial balance in 2016? Actually listen to your staff. By Peter Thomond

  • lab, research, medical research,

    Carter: Diagnostic services should hit new targets, merge, or outsource


    Lord Carter recommends trusts unable to hit new pathology benchmarks be ordered to consolidate or outsource by January 2017 Reckons there are £250m in savings to be found in pathology His earlier report on pathology, commissioned in 2005, put the sum at £250m-£500m Trusts that cannot achieve new ...

  • NHS estates

    Carter report: Hospitals face new limits on underused land


    Carter recommends hospitals be ordered to operate with no more than 35 per cent non-clinical floor space and 2.5 per cent unoccupied or underused space DH should set up “invest to save energy fund” to cut down on power bills All trusts must be at average or above levels ...

  • Robert Francis

    Safe staffing leak: How we got here


    HSJ has today published the final safe nurse staffing guidance for accident and emergency departments produced by NICE. We have covered this important story since the beginning. Here we recap the main events to get you up to speed.

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Exclusive: NICE experts called for minimum staff ratios in leaked guidance


    Guidelines for A&E safe staffing, leaked to HSJ, recommended minimum nurse/patient ratios Documents suggest lower nursing numbers linked to poor patient outcomes Ratio recommendations were made despite government resistance Read the guidance Suppressed NICE safe staffing guidance for hospital emergency departments called for the NHS to implement minimum ...

  • Surgical gloves

    Hospitals to publish what they paid for 100 items


    Prices paid by trusts for 100 items to be published Spending data on all acute trust procurement to be submitted by next Wednesday Acute trusts will have to publish the prices they pay for 100 commonly-used items, as part of a push on procurement efficiency, the health secretary ...