All Jeremy Hunt articles – Page 35

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Solve deficits and protect patients or face suspension, Hunt warns boards


    Jeremy Hunt highlights that access to £1.8bn fund in 2016-17 will be linked to financial control and making efficiency savings Board must also protect patient care, and could face suspension if they fail, says the health secretary Says final Carter report will be published shortly NHS providers which ...

  • Sir David Dalton

    Dalton: government ‘muddled’ seven day services message


    Sir David Dalton says trainee doctors likely to have to make least extra effort to improve seven day services Sir David to begin talks with BMA on junior doctors’ contract today He says BMA has shown it can “land a punch” on health secretary but should now “lower temperature” ...

  • Shaun Lintern

    Doctors’ strike: Breakdown in trust could take years to repair


    HSJ workforce correspondent Shaun Lintern takes stock after the first day of the junior doctors’ strike

  • Strike

    HSJ Live: Catch up on the day one of the junior doctors’ strike


    Rolling coverage of the first junior doctors strike in decades.

  • Emergency, service redesign, A&E

    Exclusive: Emergency care strike would hit support for junior doctors


    More of the public support junior doctors’ strike action than oppose it However, the proportion supporting it drops substantially - to less than 50 per cent - if they withdraw emergency care Tuesday’s strike action affects only planned care, but a full withdrawal is planned for 10 February See ...

  • Strike

    Junior doctors' strike: How we got here


    Junior doctors are planning to strike for the first time in 40 years tomorrow in response to the government’s attempt to reform their terms and conditions.

  • Dame Eileen Sills

    Updated: Top nurse appointed national whistleblowers guardian


    Dame Eileen Sills appointed national guardian for NHS whistleblowers National guardian a key recommendation of Sir Robert Francis’ whistleblowing review Dame Eileen will carry out role two days a week while continuing to work as chief nurse of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust Dame Eileen Sills, the ...

  • Sir David Dalton

    Sir David Dalton sets out his stall for junior doctors talks


    Sir David Dalton says he will respect both sides in negotiations over junior doctor contracts He says NHS has long way to go to achieve consistent standards of care for patients Talks will remain aimed at securing a cost neutral deal for junior doctors Sir David Dalton has ...

  • Sir David Dalton

    Dalton to lead Acas talks with junior doctors as strike looms


    Sir David Dalton appointed to take forward talks with the BMA through Acas NHS Employers reveals progress in talks but no movement over pay and weekend working BMA dismisses latest contract offer as “misrepresentation” of talks Sir David Dalton, chief executive of Salford Royal Foundation Trust, will lead ...

  • Jeremy_Hunt

    Hunt commits to NHS-wide free wi-fi target


    All NHS buildings to provide free wi-fi to improve clinical outcomes and patient experience, health secretary says £1bn was set aside for NHS technology projects in the government’s spending review. No timeframe for the target, but DH calls it “the latest step” towards a paperless NHS by 2020 ...

  • Sir Bruce Keogh

    Trusts required to self-assess avoidable mortality


    NHS trusts required to complete self-assessment of avoidable mortality to inform new organisation level avoidable deaths estimate Sir Bruce Keogh letter reveals “exact form” of metric “yet to be determined” Jeremy Hunt had previously pledged measure would be in place by April 2016 Trusts will have to carry ...

  • Computer and stethoscope

    Beware the cost of digitisation


    There is little doubt about the power of digitisation to transform healthcare – the only thing that needs utmost consideration is the cost factor

  • News

    NHS England sets aside £1.8bn ‘sustainability and transformation fund’


    £1.8bn of NHS England’s 2016-17 funding increase to go to “sustainability and transformation fund” Funding from the pot to be allocated to all “emergency care providers” to help trusts cut deficits Payment dependent on “non-negotiable conditions”, such as agreeing plans to cut deficits and maintaining core standards Fund comprises ...

  • London City Hall

    London health 'devolution' pilots announced


    Five “devolution” pilots will pave the way for a “revolution” in the delivery of health and social care in London, chancellor George Osborne has said.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    New ratings will not lead to better commissioning, say CCG leaders


    The majority of clinical commissioning group leaders do not believe proposed ratings for CCGs will lead to better commissioning and standards of services, the latest HSJ CCG Barometer has found.

  • Michael White

    Michael White: Osborne’s ‘magic sofa’ does not sit comfortably


    The chancellor found cash for the NHS down the back of the settee, but cuts to social care may come back to haunt him

  • Houses of Parliament

    CQC ‘not yet an effective regulator’, say MPs


    Commons public accounts committee expresses “new concerns” over CQC’s performance Committee says CQC’s own performance metrics are “inadequate” Concerns raised over CQC taking on new duty to assess efficiency “while it is struggling to fulfil its existing responsibilities” The Care Quality Commission is “not yet an effective regulator ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt condemns Southern Health over unexpected deaths


    Jeremy Hunt says MPs will be “profoundly shocked” at allegations over failures to investigate deaths Health secretary pledges to accept majority of recommendations of independent report Culture change is “unfinished business” from Mid Staffs, he says Mr Hunt does not rule out public inquiry Jeremy Hunt this morning ...

  • Inspection

    Trusts unlikely to be put in special measures for poor efficiency ratings


    CQC head of acute policy says regulator “does not see” new efficiency ratings being linked to special measures Alex Baylis says CQC will have to work closely with NHS Improvement to make inspections of use of resources effective Repeats warning of CQC being “too purist” in its view of ...

  • Martha Lane-Fox

    Lane-Fox tells ministers one in 10 GP patients ‘should use online services by 2017’


    At least 10 per cent of GP patients should be using digital services by 2017, says DH commissioned review Baroness Lane-Fox outlines proposals to increase use of digital innovations in the NHS NHS England to consider targets to get patients using online services in GP contracts At least ...